


2017/08/04 23:37:05 编辑: 浏览次数:288 移动端


  在1997年的苹果全球开发者大会上,斯蒂芬•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)被问及为什么他要放弃一项在座不少人都倾其心血开发的软件。他是如此回答的:

  At the 1997 Apple Worldwide Developer Conference, Steve Jobs was asked why he slashed a program that some in the audience had worked hard on. This is how he responded:



  &aposYou&aposve got to say No, No, No and when you say No you piss off people.&aposThe reason, he said, is that &aposFocusing is about saying No.&aposWell, it&aposs the same for each of us as individuals.To accomplish anything in life, we need focus, and that requires learning to say no.


  &aposNo&apos is the word we must use to protect ourselves


  For many of us, though, this presents a problem. Because in today&aposs always-on, wired world, change just gets faster, and the pressure just gets more intense, for each of us to take on more. More work, more obligations, more deadlines.


  And so we fall into the trap of constantly saying Yes.


  But when we&aposre constantly overworked and overstressed from the strain of trying to do it all, we&aposll never be successful in our lives.


  This is a problem that weighs on both men and women, but it&aposs a special problem for many of us who are women. Because saying No seems to go against all that we&aposve ever been taught, which is to please other people. After all, the last thing we&aposd want is to be called selfish!


  But as I look back, I see that every time I&aposve felt lost or stuck is when I&aposve said Yes too much to someone else - a friend, a boyfriend, a company I worked for. Once I got so stuck into the pattern of Yes that I got mired in a destructive long-term relationship.It would have saved me so much time and gri if I&aposd just said that one little word - No - at the start.

  威廉•尤里博士(William Ury)向哈佛法学院的学生和联合国维和士兵都教授过有关协商技巧的课程。在他所着的《积极说“不”的力量》(The Power of a Positive No)一书中,他写道:“我们必须使用‘不’这个字来进行自我保护,并捍卫那些我们在乎的事和人。但是众所周知的是,不恰当的拒绝可能会疏远和激怒他人,进而毁掉我们最珍视的东西。”

  Dr. William Ury teaches negotiations at Harvard Law School and to U.N.peacekeepers, and in his book The Power of a Positive No, he writes: &aposNo is the word we must use to protect ourselves and to stand up for everything and everyone that matters to us. But as we all know, the wrong No can also destroy what we most value by alienating and angering people.&apos


  That&aposs why it&aposs so important not simply to say no, but to learn to do so fectively.


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