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  1. One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.


  难词注解:neuroanatomist 神经解剖学家  compelling a.引起兴趣的

  语法分析:One(主语)can(谓语) as easily become(谓语)a chemist or a neuroanatomist(宾语)because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under(状语) as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.(状语)

  意群训练:One can/ as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist/ because of where one went to school/ or whose influence one happened to come under/ as because of a compelling early response/ to the logic of chemistry/ or /the beauty of the human nervous system.


  2. Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have a little peacul description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little moment of superiority.


  难词注解:sneak up 悄悄地接近

  语法分析:Provide(谓语)your readers(宾语)with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new(条件状语), let(谓语)them(宾语) have a little peacul description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little moment of superiority.(宾语)

  意群训练:Provide your readers with such assistance./ If you would like them to rest for a minute/ so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new,/ let them have/ a little peacul description,/ or perhaps a little something funny to smile over,/ or a little moment of superiority.



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