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the SAT critical reading section is designed to test an individual's reading and critical thinking skills. in order to test an individual's reading skills, the reading-comprehension questions in the verbal section of the exam are designed specifically to analyze an individual's ability to understand the information he or she reads in a written passage, the individual's ability to identify key attributes of the passage, and the individual's ability to dine a term based on its context within the passage.
each of these questions in the SAT critical reading section includes a large amount of reading, which can make these questions appear overwhelming to an individual who is running out of time. however, keeping a few key concepts about these questions in mind may make them easier to complete correctly.
first, always make sure to read each reading-comprehension question bore reading the passage.
this helps you determine exactly what to look for while reading the passage. each reading-comprehension question will ask you to identify the main idea of the passage, identify the tone of the passage, answer a question about a fact presented in the passage, dine a term stated within the passage, or do something similar. therore, knowing what you are looking for in order to answer the question should help your score. this is important because you will typically only have enough time to fully read each passage once.
second, it is sometimes important to reread a section of a passage when a reading-comprehension question asks you to dine a particular term or analyze a particular piece of the passage.
this is because these questions will often offer choices that may seem to be correct, because they relate to information in the passage, but are in fact wrong. in other words, some of the reading-comprehension questions on the SAT are designed to trick individuals who fail to read the passage carully. as a result, you may want to reread the part of the passage which has the term or phrase that the question is asking about in order to make sure that you are choosing the option that best answers the question.
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