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  改革后的新SAT考试有了很多变化,下面给澳际小编给大家介绍新SAT考试题型中有一种信息观点类题型的考察Information and Ideas, 其中就包含主旨题的考察。希望对大家的备考SAT阅读有所帮助。

  一.主旨题考察介绍Determining Central Ideas and Themes

  Understanding the main point(s) or theme(s) of a passage


  具体内容:文章的main ideas and themes可能是明确表达也可能是隐含的表达,其中“themes

  “类的问题更倾向于围绕整篇文章,而”main ideas“则是围绕一个或多个段落或者是整篇文章,


  这类题型的关键字有“main idea,” “main point,”“central idea,” or “theme”,这个时候考生就不要关注某处细节,而需要从文章的整体思考。









  Art forgery is a peculiar curse. Reliant on camouflage and deception, on the rhetoric of the believable lie, it is an act both audacious and self-facing. For the imitation to succeed in fooling us, it must resemble one or more works that we have been led to believe are undoctored originals. Without something to mimic, the fake could not exist. And the forger of old masters’ drawings, like the forger of twenty-dollar bills or United States’ passports must be skilled enough to fool eyes that by now are practiced at uncovering deceit.

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

  (A) describe the motivations of art forgers

  (B) indicate the artistic merit of particular forgeries

  (C) discuss the challenges facing art forgers

  (D) catalogue the skills of a successful art forger


  解析:定位原文的关键词为Art forgery,而且为概括性的art forgery 而非某一样,所以寻找原文,直接排除D,然后定位原文的核心词,A是motivations, B是merits, C是challeges,E是ignorance,排除E和B,而且文章也没有讲动机,而是技巧和挑战,所以排除A,阅读C选项“讨论 art forgers面临的挑战”和原文中对于行为的描述,以及要求和eyes的描述,可以确定为C。


  In 1843 Augusta Ada King published an influential set of notes describing Charles Babbage's conception of an "analytical engine" --- the first design for an automatic computer. King's notes, which included her program for computing a series of figures called Bernoulli numbers, established her importance in computer science. However, her fascinating life and lineage (she was the daughter of the flamboyant poet Lord Byron) --- and her role as a female pioneer in her field --- have turned her into an icon. She has inspired biographies, plays, novels, and even a feature film. And whereas many women have helped to advance computer science, only King has had a computer language named after her: Ada.

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  A. Explaining Augusta Ada King’s interest in computer science

  B. Providing a character analysis of Augusta Ada King

  C. Summarizing how and why Augusta Ada King is celebrated

  D. Tracing the developing of the modern-day computer


  解析:该题是典型的主旨题,如果用正向法,第一种是连接每句的重点词,合在一起就是文章主旨,重点词也就是每句主谓宾,文中用红色标出,句子中 其他细节部分可以略读。“Ada发表注解,奠定地位。人生及血统也起到作用,她变得非常有名”,答案C. 总结Ada如何有名为何有名,跟我们的总结是一个意思。第二种称为3W1H法,代表的是WHO+WHAT+HOW/WHY,文章描写哪个对象,侧重它的哪 个方面,该方面如何体现,文章当中分别对应的是:Ada, influential, note/lineage, 再次与C相同。


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