

SAT官方每日一题 2017年3月6日.

2017/08/04 21:05:23 编辑: 浏览次数:253 移动端

SAT试题类型:Critical Reading > Sentence Completions Please enter an answer. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Gwendolyn Brooks’ character Maud Martha appears ------- but feels great rage: she ------- her emotions with a mask of compliance. Answer Choices (A) responsive . . echoes (B) nonchalant . . exposes (C) docile . . camouflages (D) uncontrolled . . belies (E) invincible . . catapults 答案:C 解析:The word “but” in the first part of the sentence suggests that Maud Martha’s appearance does not accurately represent her emotions. It is therore logical to say that she “camouflages,” or masks, her anger by appearing to be “docile,” or compliant.

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