

SAT官方每日一题 2017年6月9日.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:191 移动端

SAT试题类型 Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer. The circle above has center P. Given segments of the following lengths, which is the length of the longest one that can be placed entirely inside this circle? (A) 6.99 (B) 7.00 (C) 7.99 (D) 8.10 (E) 14.00 答案:C Explanation Since the radius of the circle is 4, the diameter of the circle is 8. In a circle, the diameter is longer than any segment that can be placed entirely inside the circle. Therore, segments of length 8.10 or length 14.00 could not be placed entirely within the circle, and the correct answer is 7.99.

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