

SAT官方每日一题(数学) 2017年7月30日.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:209 移动端



  Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  In the figure above, the circle with center and the circle with center are tangent at point . If the circles each have radius , and if line is tangent to the circle with center at point , what is the value of ?

  Answer Choices





  (E) It cannot be determined from the information given.

  The correct answer is B


  The circles each have radius , so . Since the circles are tangent at point , segment contains and . Also, and are perpendicular because a line tangent to a circle forms a right angle with the radius at the point of tangency. Therore, is a right triangle with hypotenuse and side of length . A right triangle with one side of length one-half that of its hypotenuse is a triangle. The angle is opposite side , so .


  Michelle wants to expand her flowerbed by increasing the length and width each by 2 ft. What will the new area of the flowerbed be, if L and W represent the original dimensions of the flowerbed&aposs length and width?

  A. 2 LW

  B. 2 (L+W)

  C. 2L +2W

  D. (L+2) (W+2)

  E. LW/2

  Correct Choice: D



SAT官方每日一题(写作) 2011年7月29日

SAT官方每日一题(阅读) 2011年7月28日

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SAT官方每日一题(写作) 2011年7月26日

SAT官方每日一题(阅读) 2011年7月25日

SAT官方每日一题(数学) 2011年7月24日

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