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  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  Although often victims of circumstance, the heroines of Shakespearean comedy tend to be ------- women, usually ready with a clever stratagem or verbal ploy for getting out of a difficult situation.

  Answer Choices

  (A) imperious

  (B) suffering

  (C) excitable

  (D) resourcul

  (E) precocious

  The correct answer is D


  Only “resourcul” logically completes the sentence: a resourcul woman would be one who is “ready with a clever stratagem or verbal ploy for getting out of a difficult situation.”


  Her vague sense of ------- grew into anxiety and then alarm when she discovered that her initial doubts about the success of the undertaking were well founded.

  (A) foreboding

  (B) remorse

  (C) anticipation

  (D) intrigue

  (E) complacency

  The correct answer is A


  The sentence asks you to find the mildest word in a logical progress leading to anxiety and finally culminating in alarm. Of the choices given, only “foreboding” is a word that describes a feeling related to, but less than, anxiety.


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