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  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  To believe that social rorms can ------- evil altogether is to forget that evil is a protean creature, forever assuming a new ------- when deprived of an old one.

  (A) rejuvenate . . allegiance

  (B) eradicate . . shape

  (C) mitigate . . providence

  (D) sustain . . episode

  (E) dissolve . . abstraction

  The correct answer is B


  The phrase “is to forget” implies that the beli described in the first part of the sentence is misguided or naïve. It makes sense to argue that the assumption that rorms can “eradicate,” or eliminate, all societal evils is overly idealistic because evil is “protean,” or capable of taking on a new “shape.”


  It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ------- through the centuries from such ------- and rudimentary apparatus.

  (A) developed . . an intricate

  (B) resulted . . a complicated

  (C) evolved . . a quaint

  (D) degenerated . . an obsolescent

  (E) differed . . an exotic

  The correct answer is C


  The phrase “through the centuries” suggests that the first missing term will describe how the “sophisticated piece of technology” developed over a period of time. The word “such” indicates that the second missing term will contrast with “sophisticated.” Only “evolved . . a quaint” satisfies both requirements.


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