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  Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  When the positive integer n is divided by 5, the remainder is 0. What is the remainder when 3n is divided by 5?

  (A) 0

  (B) 1

  (C) 2

  (D) 3

  (E) 4

  The correct answer is A


  Choice (A) is correct. When the positive integer n is divided by 5, the remainder is 0. It follows that n is a multiple of 5. Therore, 3n is also a multiple of 5, and so the remainder when 3n is divided by 5 is likewise 0.


  A 6-sided number cube, with faces numbered 1 through 6, is to be rolled twice. What is the probability that the number that comes up on the first roll will be less than the number that comes up on the second roll?

  (A) 1 over 4

  (B) 1 over 3

  (C) 5 over 12

  (D) 7 over 12

  (E) 1 over 2

  The correct answer is C


  The outcome space for this experiment is the set of all ordered pairs where represents the first number that comes up, and represents the second one. Since and can take all the values through , there will be a total of possible outcomes. The outcomes can be represented in a table as shown:    Among all the pairs , are pairs for which . So remaining pairs will have . Notice that the number of pairs for which

is the same with the number of pairsfor which . Therore the number of pairsfor which , is (half of ). Then the probability that is equal to .


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