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  Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  Ifand, thenexceedsby






  The correct answer is

  Explanation“exceeds” is interpreted mathematically as the value ofand is evaluated as follows: 


  If , the value of can be which of the following?

 .   .   .

  Answer Choices

  (A) only

  (B) only

  (C) only

  (D) and only

  (E) , , and

  The correct answer is D


  Roman Numeral Answer Format

  Roman Numeral : Can the value of be ?

  You could test this answer by substituting for in the equation and seeing whether the result is true. But you can also reason this question out without substituting numbers:

  If , then is a positive number, because any nonzero number squared is positive.

  If , then is negative.

  So is negative and is positive.

  Therore, cannot be .

  Mark Roman numeral with an “F” for false.

  Roman Numeral : Can the value of be ?

  This is a very easy substitution to make:  

  Roman numeral is true, so mark it with a “T” for true.

  Roman Numeral : Can the value of be ?

  Substitute for :

  If , then .Also, .

  Roman numeral is true, so mark it with a “T” for true.

  Check the Answers:

  You now know whether each of the Roman numeral statements is true or false:is false.is true.is true.

  Find the choice that says only and are true


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