


2017/08/04 20:16:24 编辑: 浏览次数:248 移动端



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  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider the authenticity of this particular manuscript ------- because it includes rerences to events that occurred in 1818.

  A. ageless

  B. tenable

  C. suspect

  D. unique

  E. legitimate

  The correct answer is C


  Choice (C) is correct. Since an author would be unable to rer to events that occurred after he or she had died, scholars would have cause for considering the authenticity of an 1818 manuscript “suspect,” or worthy of suspicion.


  A dictatorship ------- its citizens to be docile and finds it expedient to make outcasts of those who do not ------- .

  Answer Choices

  (A) forces . . rebel

  (B) expects . . disobey

  (C) requires . . conform

  (D) allows . . withdraw

  (E) forbids . . agree

  The correct answer is C


  Answering this question depends in part on your knowledge of vocabulary. You have to know what the words “dictatorship,” “docile,” and “expedient” mean. You also have to watch out for key words such as not. If you leave out the word not then answer choices like (A) and (B) make sense. But only choice (C) makes sense. A dictatorship would probably require its citizens to be docile & make outcasts of those who do not conform to its rules.


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