


2017/08/04 20:15:30 编辑: 浏览次数:215 移动端



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  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  The ------- of drug-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses has ------- researchers’ hopes that permanent victories against many diseases have been achieved.

  (A) vigor . . corroborated

  (B) feebleness . . dashed

  (C) proliferation . . blighted

  (D) destruction . . disputed

  (E) disappearance . . frustrated

  The correct answer is C


  Hopes for “permanent victories against many diseases” have been “blighted,” or dashed or crushed, by the “proliferation of drug-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses.”


  The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ------- that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.

  Answer Choices

  (A) frivolity

  (B) triteness

  (C) diversity

  (D) lyricism

  (E) precision

  The correct answer is B


  Only “triteness” logically completes the sentence; a poem echoing routine feelings might well be described as possessing “triteness,” in contrast to the fresh and unexpected ideas that Anne Spencer’s poems go on to express


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