


2017/08/04 20:13:37 编辑: 浏览次数:228 移动端


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  Writing > Improving Sentences

  Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.

  Concerned that people will click to borrow an e-book from a library rather than click to buy it, library access to the e-book forms of most U.S. publishers&apos titles is blocked.

  (A) library access to the e-book forms of most major U.S. publishers&apos titles is blocked

  (B) it is important to block library access to the e-book forms of most major U.S. publishers&apos titles

  (C) the e-book forms of most major U.S. publishers&apos titles are blocked from library access

  (D) most major U.S. publishers block library access to the e-book forms of their titles

  (E) most major U.S. publishers blocking library access to the e-book forms of their titles

  The correct answer is D


  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the modification error of the original by placing the subject of the sentence ("most major U.S. publishers") directly after the modifying phrase ("Concerned that people will click to borrow an e-book from a library rather than click to buy it"). The original sentence illogically implies that "library access," rather than the "publisher," is "concerned."


  Since William the Conqueror in 1066, every British sovereign has been crowned in Westminster Abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII, neither of them were crowned.

  Answer Choices

  (A) neither of them were

  (B) neither were

  (C) neither of whom was

  (D) with neither being

  (E) with neither who had been

  The correct answer is C


  Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing “them” with “whom” and by using an appropriate verb form, the singular “was,” to agree with the singular “neither.”


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