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  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  The edelweiss appears to be ------- is an illusion: the flower actually is incredibly -------, able to survive in extreme temperatures.

  (A) hardy . . malleable

  (B) fragile . . resilient

  (C) durable . . resistant

  (D) stunning . . slight

  (E) unique . . tenacious

  The correct answer is B


  Edelweiss might give the illusion of being "fragile," or easily damaged, but it is clear that the flower actually is very "resilient," or able to withstand difficult conditions. In fact, the flower can "survive in extreme temperatures."


  Always ready to ------- achievement, Miller was as eager to praise a new production as the more mean-spirited critics were to ------- it.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reward . . review

  (B) impede . . ignore

  (C) recognize . . deride

  (D) expose . . study

  (E) embrace . . promote

  The correct answer is C


  The sentence contrasts the “eager” nature of Miller’s response to new productions with that of “more mean-spirited critics.” Since Miller tends to “praise a new production,” it makes sense to say that he “recognizes,” or acknowledges, achievement, while “mean-spirited critics” are more likely to “deride,” or ridicule, it.


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