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2013年9月SAT官方每日一题---完成句子 | |
2013年9月2日 |
Her vague sense of ------- grew into anxiety and then alarm when she discovered that her initial doubts about the success of the undertaking were well founded. (A) foreboding(B) remorse(C) anticipation(D) intrigue(E) complacency 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月5日 |
The success of the Norman Invasion depended on ------- logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely lt no detail -------. (A) a puzzling . . untarnished(B) a realistic . . unsupervised(C) an intricate. . overlooked(D) an erroneous . . ignored(E) a flawed . . unattended 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月8日 |
he test of truth is not ------- , for we have often felt firmly convinced of many things that were not so. (A) implication(B) certitude(C) originality(D) impartiality(E) moderation 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月11日 |
Eduardo Galeano’s novel consists of discrete vignettes, so the reader must supply the invisible------- binding such apparently ------- parts. (A) emotions . . impersonal(B) interpretations . . somber(C) descriptions . . related(D) connections . . independent(E) categories . . cohesive 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月14日 |
Designed to resist storms by virtue of their ------- weight, the oil platforms towed into the North Sea were the heaviest objects ever moved by human technology. (A) inconsistent(B) purported(C) unstable(D) random(E) immense 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月17日 |
Despite their ------- proportions, the murals of Diego Rivera give his Mexican compatriots the sense that their history is ------- and human in scale, not remote and larger than life. (A) monumental . . accessible(B) focused . . prolonged(C) vast . . ancient(D) realistic . . extraneous(E) narrow . . overwhelming 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月20日 |
The rebel group has long enjoyed total -------: despite having ------- numerous violations, its members have never been punished. (A) autonomy . . recognized(B) impunity . . committed(C) succession . . observed(D) nepotism . . commended(E) discrimination . . criticized 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月23日 |
In some ancient cultures, colors were considered very powerful; some societies even believed that red objects had ------- fect, restoring good health through their color alone. (A) an enervating(B) a callow(C) a salutary(D) an agile(E) a peripheral 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月26日 |
A veteran of both stage and screen, Richard Harris brought a certain level of ------- to his roles, lending ------- to each character that he played. (A) candor . . uncertainty(B) insouciance . . experience(C) whimsy . . depth(D) gravitas . . dignity(E) animosity . . warmth 》》点击查看答案 |
2013年9月29日 |
Although it seems to have been a fixture of the square since the city’s origin, the produce market actually opened only ------- . (A) enthusiastically(B) recently(C) frequently(D) illegally(E) graciously 》》点击查看答案 |
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