


2017/08/04 19:56:09 编辑: 浏览次数:70 移动端



  Her vague sense of ------- grew into anxiety and then alarm when she discovered that her initial doubts about the success of the undertaking were well founded.

  (A) foreboding(B) remorse(C) anticipation(D) intrigue(E) complacency



  The success of the Norman Invasion depended on ------- logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely lt no detail -------.

  (A) a puzzling . . untarnished(B) a realistic . . unsupervised(C) an intricate. . overlooked(D) an erroneous . . ignored(E) a flawed . . unattended



  he test of truth is not ------- , for we have often felt firmly convinced of many things that were not so.

  (A) implication(B) certitude(C) originality(D) impartiality(E) moderation



  Eduardo Galeano’s novel consists of discrete vignettes, so the reader must supply the invisible------- binding such apparently ------- parts.

  (A) emotions . . impersonal(B) interpretations . . somber(C) descriptions . . related(D) connections . . independent(E) categories . . cohesive



  Designed to resist storms by virtue of their ------- weight, the oil platforms towed into the North Sea were the heaviest objects ever moved by human technology.

  (A) inconsistent(B) purported(C) unstable(D) random(E) immense



  Despite their ------- proportions, the murals of Diego Rivera give his Mexican compatriots the sense that their history is ------- and human in scale, not remote and larger than life.

  (A) monumental . . accessible(B) focused . . prolonged(C) vast . . ancient(D) realistic . . extraneous(E) narrow . . overwhelming



  The rebel group has long enjoyed total -------: despite having ------- numerous violations, its members have never been punished.

  (A) autonomy . . recognized(B) impunity . . committed(C) succession . . observed(D) nepotism . . commended(E) discrimination . . criticized



  In some ancient cultures, colors were considered very powerful; some societies even believed that red objects had ------- fect, restoring good health through their color alone.

  (A) an enervating(B) a callow(C) a salutary(D) an agile(E) a peripheral



  A veteran of both stage and screen, Richard Harris brought a certain level of ------- to his roles, lending ------- to each character that he played.

  (A) candor . . uncertainty(B) insouciance . . experience(C) whimsy . . depth(D) gravitas . . dignity(E) animosity . . warmth



  Although it seems to have been a fixture of the square since the city’s origin, the produce market actually opened only ------- .

  (A) enthusiastically(B) recently(C) frequently(D) illegally(E) graciously



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