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2013年11月5日 |
Like machinery was integral to the development of industrial capitalism, so the rapid transfer of information is the force driving modern business. (A) Like (B) Given that (C) Since (D) Just as (E) Although >>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月11日 |
With the 1977 publication of Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison both received popular and critical acclaim. (A) both received popular and (B) both received popular and also (C) received popular, along with (D) received popular as well as (E) received both popular and also >>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月17日 |
Digital technology, like every marketer knows, it is synonymous with speed, precision, and the future. (A) technology, like every marketer knows, it is (B) technology, similar to what every marketer knows as (C) technology, as every marketer knows, is (D) technology is what every marketer knows as (E) technology that every marketer knows is >>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月23日 |
In Costa Rica, coffee, from the highlands, and bananas, produced mainly in the Caribbean lowlands, as the most important crops, they account for nearly half the total value of all exports. (A) as the most important crops, they account (B) as the most important crops, which account (C) are the most important crops, accounting (D) are the most important of their crops by accounting (E) have been the most important crops, which accounts >>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月29日 |
New analyses of a fossil suggest winged insects having possibly emerged as early as 400 million years ago. (A) suggest winged insects having possibly (B) suggest that winged insects may have (C) suggesting that winged insects, they may have (D) that suggests winged insects as having possibly (E) that suggest winged insects to have possibly >>点击查看答案 |
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2013年11月2日 |
The results of the study A(indicate) that the new drug is B(both safer and) more fective than C(was)previously D(assumed). E(No error) (A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E>>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月8日 |
A(One of the) northernmost countries B(of Europe), C(Finland&aposs borders are) Russia on the east, Sweden on the west, D(and) the tip of Norway on the north. E(No error) (A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E>>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月14日 |
Audio recordings, and the equipment A(used to make) and play them, B(comes) in C(many) forms, D(including) records, CDs, and analog and digital tape recorders. E(No error) (A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E>>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月20日 |
The Sun has been shining for A(nearly) five billion years and is thought B(that it has) sufficient thermonuclear fuel in its core C(to shine) D(for about) another five billion. E(No error) (A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E>>点击查看答案 |
2013年11月26日 |
A(When) people gave up the hunter-gatherer way of life and began to cultivate the soil and grow their food, they often B(became less mobile), built more substantial residences, and C(they developed) D(more fective means) of storage. E(No error) (A) A(B) B(C) C(D) D(E) E>>点击查看答案 |
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