


2017/08/04 19:51:40 编辑: 浏览次数:213 移动端



  Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  Addtoand then subtractfrom the sum. Ifis a positive integer, the result must be an integer multiple of






  The correct answer is B


  The mathematical expression given in the question is, which is equivalent to. The expressioncan be factored as. For every positive integer,must be a multiple of. If, then, which is not an integer multiple of,,, or. Therore, the correct answer is.


  A machine can insert letters in envelopes at the rate ofper minute. Another machine can stamp the envelopes at the rate ofper second. How many such stamping machines are needed to keep up withinserting machines of this kind?






  The correct answer is A


  First you can changeminute toseconds so that the ratios are both in envelopes per second. One inserting machine inserts letters at the rate ofperseconds, orper second. Somachines would insertletters per second.

  Letbe the number of stamping machines needed to keep up withinserting machines. Then, since one machine stampsenvelopes per second,machines stampenvelopes per second. You can write the equation, which gives.


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