


2017/08/04 19:47:11 编辑: 浏览次数:215 移动端


  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  Lazarro&aposs last movie polarized viewers: while many ------- the film for its artfully directed scenes, others ------- it for being inaccessible.

  (A) praised . . extolled

  (B) disparaged . . blamed

  (C) regarded . . commended

  (D) admired . . endorsed

  (E) lauded . . criticized

  The correct answer is E


  It makes sense to suggest that viewers who felt that a film was “artfully directed” would have “lauded,” or praised, it, and that viewers who found that film “inaccessible,” or difficult to understand, would have “criticized,” or found fault with, it. Furthermore, the sentence indicates that Lazarro&aposs film “polarized viewers,” or caused viewers to have opposing reactions to the film, and lauding is the opposite of criticizing.


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