


2017/08/04 18:43:28 编辑: 浏览次数:312 移动端


  After reading the passage, choose the answer to the question that most fectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Sometimes the question will include a "NO CHANGE" option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

  In 1979, the mayor of Birmingham, Alabama, charged a committee with envisioning a museum where people could learn about the city's rich history in the civil rights movement. The committee went on to form the Civil Rights Institute Task Force. Under the guidance of its leaders, Odessa Woolfolk and Frank Young, the task force crafted a plan that included a mission statement, thematic program, and architectural design. However, in 1986, when the citizens of Birmingham were asked to approve funding for the museum, they voted against it. This request included funding for several museums: another funding request was voted down in 1988. It was another three years bore the museum initiative received its funding, provided by the Historical Preservation Authority of Birmingham. The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute opened to the public in 1992 and has since hosted more than two million visitors.

  Select an answer

  Which choice most fectively sets up the information that follows the colon?


  (B) The results of the vote were disappointing to the task force:

  (C) The task force had better luck with a different funding model:

  (D) This wasn't the museum's only such setback:



  Choice D is the best answer because it most fectively sets up the information that follows the colon. What follows the colon is information about another funding request that was voted down. Choice D creates a logical and smooth progression to that information.


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