

2017年5月9日 sat写作官方每日一题.

2017/08/04 18:30:23 编辑: 浏览次数:220 移动端


  Writing & Language

  Looming above passersby in Lisbon, Portugal, agigantic raccoon protrudes from the side of abuilding. A close look at this multimedia streetsculpture reveals that the raccoon's eyes are madrom discarded tires, its arms from dented bumpers, and its claws from assorted metal scraps. Thislarger-than-life 3-D street mural is the creation of Artur Bordalo, a Portuguese artist whoseunusual animal sculptures made out of garbage are attracting international attention. That'sexactly what Bordalo wants: his goal is to raise awareness about the destructive fects ofexcess consumerism. To that end, the broad appeal of the animal world serves Bordalo'spurpose well. After the spectacle of the towering raccoon captures the interest of passersby, the sculpture's materials demand that viewers confront the waste products that are harmingthe natural world.

  The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept ordeleted?


  B.affects of excess

  C.fects of access

  D.affects of access




  Choice A is the best answer because it doesn't mix up commonly confused words. In this context, "fects" and "excess" are the right words to indicate that Bordalo's goal is to raise awareness about the harmful outcomes of superfluous, or unnecessary, consumerism.


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