您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> SAT考试题型与试题难度解析 新手必读.
一、SAT考试的组成 SAT是英文Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写,中文名称为学术能力评估考试,由总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿市的美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。 SAT考试分为两部分:SATⅠ推理测试(Reasoning Test)和SATⅡ(Subject Tests)专项测试。SAT1主要测验考生的写作、阅读和数学能力;SAT2涉及数学、物理、化学及生物等科目。一般中国高中生申请进入美国本科学校只需参加SATⅠ考试 SATI 考试由3部分组成,Critical reading, Writing Skills和Mathematics,每部分800分,满分2400分。具体的题目数量分配如下表:
Critical Reading(67) |
Sentence Completion(19) |
Passage-based reading(48) |
Writing Skills (1essay+49) |
Essay writing |
Identifying sentence errors (18) |
Improving sentences (25) |
Improving paragraphs (6) |
Mathematics |
Multiple choice (44) |
Student-produced response (grid-ins) (10) |
Section 1 : Essay 25minutes |
Section2: Critical Reading (24) 25minutes |
Sentence Completion (8) |
Passage-based reading-2 short passages(4) |
Passage-based reading-1 long passage(12) |
Section3: Mathematics (20) 25minutes |
Standard Multiple-Choice (20) |
Break 10 minutes |
Section 4: Writing Skills (35) 25minutes |
Improving Sentences (11) |
Identifying Sentences Errors (18) |
Improving paragraphs (6) |
Section 5 : Experimental 25minutes |
This section can be Critical reading, Writing Skill or Mathematics |
Section 6: Critical Reading (24) 25minutes |
Sentence Completion(5) |
Passage-based reading-paired short passages (4) |
Passage-based reading-2 long passages (15) |
Break 10 minutes |
Section 7: Mathematics (18) 25minutes |
Mutiple choice (8) |
Student-produced response (grid-ins) (10) |
Section 8: Critical Reading (19) 20minutes |
Sentence Completion(6) |
Passage-based reading-paired long passages (13) |
Section 9: Mathematics (16) 20minutes |
Mutiple choice (16) |
Section 10: Writing Skills (14) 10 minutes |
Improving paragraphs (14) |
3.The Official SAT Online Coures(简称OC)。OC也是CollegeBoard的官方题目,共六套,比真题稍难,配有解析(即A&E of OC),需要冲刺高分的考生可在中后期使用。7套SAT Online Course真题下载 含答案 3.KAPLAN. KAPLAN的12套练习题是仿照OG编写的,配有解析。但题目较简单,并且每套题的考点集中,不适合模考,考生在备考初期作为基础教材使用。
4.《SAT综合指导与模拟试题》(即Barron’s How to prepare for the SAT)。此书最大的亮点是包含了《巴朗基础词汇3500》,涵盖了SAT考试的高频词汇和热点词汇,大大减少了考生背单词的负担。但书中的部分题目难度远高于真题,失去了模考价值,考生需慎重选择。
5.《SAT 11 套题》(即Princeton 11 Review)。本书的题目难度与真题基本相符,题目严谨,配有解析以及计分方法的详细解释。考生可在学习完OG后,用此书做巩固练习。
SAT考试题型与试题难度解析 新手必读SAT考试题型与试题难度解析 新手必读一、SAT考试的组成 SAT是英文Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写,中文名称为学术能力评估考试,由总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿市的美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。 SAT考试分为两部分:SATⅠ推理测试(Reasoning Test)和SATⅡ(Subject Tests)专项测试。SAT1主要测验考生的写作、阅读和数学能力;SAT2涉及数学、物理、化学及生物等科目。一般中国高中生申请进入美国本科学校只需参加SATⅠ考试 SATI 考试由3部分组成,Critical reading, Writing Skills和Mathematics,每部分800分,满分2400分。具体的题目数量分配如下表:
Critical Reading(67) |
Sentence Completion(19) |
Passage-based reading(48) |
Writing Skills (1essay+49) |
Essay writing |
Identifying sentence errors (18) |
Improving sentences (25) |
Improving paragraphs (6) |
Mathematics |
Multiple choice (44) |
Student-produced response (grid-ins) (10) |
Section 1 : Essay 25minutes |
Section2: Critical Reading (24) 25minutes |
Sentence Completion (8) |
Passage-based reading-2 short passages(4) |
Passage-based reading-1 long passage(12) |
Section3: Mathematics (20) 25minutes |
Standard Multiple-Choice (20) |
Break 10 minutes |
Section 4: Writing Skills (35) 25minutes |
Improving Sentences (11) |
Identifying Sentences Errors (18) |
Improving paragraphs (6) |
Section 5 : Experimental 25minutes |
This section can be Critical reading, Writing Skill or Mathematics |
Section 6: Critical Reading (24) 25minutes |
Sentence Completion(5) |
Passage-based reading-paired short passages (4) |
Passage-based reading-2 long passages (15) |
Break 10 minutes |
Section 7: Mathematics (18) 25minutes |
Mutiple choice (8) |
Student-produced response (grid-ins) (10) |
Section 8: Critical Reading (19) 20minutes |
Sentence Completion(6) |
Passage-based reading-paired long passages (13) |
Section 9: Mathematics (16) 20minutes |
Mutiple choice (16) |
Section 10: Writing Skills (14) 10 minutes |
Improving paragraphs (14) |
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲