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You are responsible for understanding and following these identification (ID) requirements and policies. You may be denied entrance to the test center if you cannot present acceptable ID or if the validity of the ID is in question. The test administration staff has sole discretion on test day for determining the validity and acceptability of any ID presented for admission to the test center, and for any determinations regarding non-compliance with ID policies. If you have questions about our ID requirements and policies, please contactCustomer Service well in advance of test day.
We reserve the right to withhold or cancel scores at any time in the event that these ID requirements and policies are not complied with. Individuals suspected of engaging in criminal activities will be reported to law enforcement agencies.
Acceptable Identification Documents
You are responsible for bringing a valid and acceptable form of identification each time you report to an SAT test center. It is your responsibility to ensure that your ID documents are up-to-date and available on the day of the test.
ID documents must:
be issued by a governmental organization or the school which you currently attend
be an original document — photocopied documents are not acceptable
be valid and current — expired documents (bearing expiration dates that have passed) are not acceptable, no matter how recently they may have expired
bear the test-taker&aposs full name, in roman English characters, exactly as it appears on the Admission Ticket (if the name is too long to fit on the Admission Ticket, the name on the ID need only match the part that appears on the ticket).
bear a recent recognizable photograph that clearly matches the test-taker
be in good condition, with clearly legible text and a clearly visible photograph
Examples of Acceptable ID
Government-issued driver&aposs license or non-driver ID card
Official school-produced student-identification card from the school you currently attend
Government-issued passport
Government-issued military or national identification card
College Board’s Student ID Form, which is available from your school counselor and must be prepared by the school you currently attend
Talent Identification Program ID or Authorization to Test form (allowed for grades seven and eight only; photo not required)
Examples of Unacceptable ID
The following documents are not acceptable ID under any circumstances:
Any document that is photocopied or expired
Any document that does not bear a recent recognizable photograph that clearly matches the test-taker
Any document that does not bear your name in roman English characters exactly as it appears on the Admission Ticket
Any document that is worn, torn, scuffed, scarred or otherwise damaged in such a manner that it renders any part of the text on the ID card illegible or renders any part of the photograph unrecognizable
Any document that appears tampered with or altered
Credit or debit card of any kind, even one with a photograph
Birth certificate
Social Security card
Employee ID card
Hunting or fishing license
Missing Child ("ChildFind") ID card
Any temporary ID card
Important Policies Regarding ID
You are responsible for ensuring that the name you used to register exactly matches the name on the ID document(s) you will present at the test center. If you need to make a change to your name after registering, please contact Customer Service well in advance of test day.
The ID you present must sufficiently authenticate your identification to the test center staff. If the test administration staff questions the ID you present, you may be required to provide additional ID. If sufficient authentication of your identification cannot be made, you may be denied admission to the test center or your test score may be withheld or canceled.
If you leave the center to obtain acceptable identification, upon your return, test center staff may be unable to admit you to take the exam. Prior admission to a test center based on any particular ID document is no guarantee that the same ID document will be considered acceptable in the future.
Test center staff are not required to hold your seat if you leave the center to obtain acceptable identification.
Admission to the test center is no guarantee that the ID you provided is valid or that your scores will be reported. All reported or suspected cases of questionable ID or test-taker identity are subject to our review and approval bore, during or after the test administration.
If you fail to comply with these identification requirements and policies, you may be dismissed from the test center and your scores may be withheld or canceled. If you are dismissed from the test center prior to completing the test because of invalid or unacceptable ID, or failure to comply with these ID requirements and policies, your test fees will not be runded.
Using the SAT Student ID Form
If you do not have another form of acceptable ID you may be able to use the Student ID Form. This form must be prepared and authenticated by the school you currently attend or by a notary if you are homeschooled. A current photo must be attached to the form in the area indicated bore the form is notarized. This form is only valid as ID if you are testing in the United States.
Homeschooled Test-Takers
Homeschooled students who do not have a driver&aposs license, passport or government-issued ID can download and print a Student ID Form to complete and take to a notary public for validation. A current photo must be attached to the form in the area indicated bore the form is notarized.
Test-Takers in Wait-List Status
In countries where requests for wait-list status are permitted, you must present an acceptable school- or government-issued photo ID that has been issued in the country in which you are testing. Foreign passports, foreign national IDs, or IDs from foreign schools will not be accepted.
Test-Takers Aged 21 or Older
If you will be 21 years of age or older on test day, the only acceptable form of identification is an official government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, which meets all of the requirements as noted under Acceptable Identification Documents. Student ID cards are not valid forms of identification for test-takers aged 21 or older.
Testing in India, Ghana, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan
The only acceptable form of identification is a valid passport with your name, photograph and signature. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Testing in Korea, Thailand or Vietnam
The only acceptable forms of identifications are a valid passport or valid national ID card with your name, photograph and signature. A national ID card is only valid in the country of issuance. If you travel to another country to test, you must provide a passport as identification. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲