


2017/08/04 16:39:51 编辑: 浏览次数:472 移动端


  A New Way to Report Your SAT Scores

  We know that many of you may feel anxious about taking tests. So we&aposve tried to make the SAT experience a little less stressful by giving you what you&aposve asked for—a new way to report your scores to colleges and scholarship programs.

  Score Choice gives you the option to choose which scores (by test date for the SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests™) you send to colleges—in accordance with an institution&aposs stated score-use practice. You can choose scores from one, several, or all SAT test dates.

  The College Board worked with colleges and universities to help you understand which scores they would like you to send. You can view the score-use practices of participating colleges and universities at the time that you&aposre asked to send scores.

  Colleges and universities will only receive the scores that you send them—your scores will not be released for admission purposes without your specific consent.

  Remember to take advantage of your four free score reports when you register for the SAT!

  SAT scores are processed as quickly as possible after the test and are sent automatically to you and your chosen colleges and scholarship programs. Within nine days of taking the test, you will be able to add, change or remove a college or a scholarship program from your score report. If you want to order more than four score reports, or send score reports more than nine days after the test, it will cost $9.50 for each report.

  Does Score Choice affect how many scores I send or receive?

  Any or all of your scores can be sent to a college on a single report. It does not cost more to send multiple or all of your test scores. If you choose not to use Score Choice, all of your scores will be sent automatically in each score report.

  Also, Score Choice applies only to the score reports that you send to colleges. You and your high school still receive scores from all of your test dates.

  Should Score Choice influence how many times I take the SAT?

  No. While you may see a small score increase if you take the test a second time, there is no evidence to suggest that taking the SAT more than twice is benicial to your score. Remember: Score Choice allows you to choose your scores only by test date, not by test section.

  How will I remember to send my scores?

  The College Board will send emails to you and your counselors to remind you to send your scores.

  Why should I use my registration score reports if I can&apost see my scores?

  Using the registration score reports ensures that test scores are sent to colleges at the earliest possible moment. Colleges use standardized test scores for admissions as well as scholarship awards, course placement or selection to a specific program or major. Sending registration scores ensures that colleges have the most complete set of your information for use in these review processes.

  Should I send my scores early?

  If you know which schools you&aposd like to send your scores to and are comfortable sending your scores in the spring of your junior year, you should do so. Some colleges see this as a sign of interest. They may also use scores to qualify you for special campus visit programs, information sessions in your hometown or for scholarships.



  1、你可以选择使用Score Choice(只送部分成绩),也可以选择不使用(也就是将全部成绩都送出)。选择成绩并不收取额外费用。

  2、不管是考试注册时的四个免费送分,还是考试以后登陆collegeboard官方网站,都可以使用Score Choice。

  3、SAT Reasoning考试可以选择某个考试日期的分数,也就是说,要送就一次成绩一起送,不可以选择这次的阅读和那次的语法组合。

  4、SAT Subject考试按科目送分,比如这次考了3门,但可以只送2门成绩。

  5、Score Choice只修改送出的成绩单,而不改变College Board里的分数记录。



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