您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 斯坦福大学SAT成绩要求.
The ACT with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test is required of all undergraduate applicants. Please be aware of the following guidelines:
We do not accept test substitutions and applications without SAT Reasoning or ACT with Writing scores will not be considered, except for students from countries where these tests are not offered (e.g., the People&aposs Republic of China, Iran).
If you are currently residing or attending school in a country where the ACT with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test is offered, you are required to take either test and submit official test results to Stanford by the stated application deadlines.
SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required for admission. We recommend taking at least two SAT Subject Tests, as such information will assist us in our evaluation process. Applicants, however, who choose not to take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admission process.
For those applicants who elect to take a SAT Subject Test in the area of math, we recommend taking Mathematics Level 2 if you feel that your math background has adequately prepared you for that test.
SAT总分成绩:2010 - 2300
SAT阅读成绩:660 - 760
SAT数学成绩:680 - 780
SAT写作成绩:670 - 760
SAT 2成绩:Recommended
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), although not required, is strongly recommended for our students who are not native speakers of English.
You may submit your IELTS scores to us as part of your application if you wish, but please note that Stanford does not recognize the IELTS as a measure of English proficiency.
选择Early Action(EA)的考生,必须参加考试不迟于2011年11月。
Testing must be completed by the November test date for Early Action and by the January test date for Regular Action. These dates change each year and are set by the testing agency
Applicants must submit scores from all SAT tests (including Subject Tests) taken or all ACT tests taken. Applicants cannot elect to "hide" any scores with either testing agency.
We will focus our evaluation of test scores on the highest scores available (from either test). For the SAT, we will focus on the highest Critical Reasoning score, highest Math score and highest Writing score available (from across test sittings). For the ACT, we will focus on the highest Composite score (with the Writing) and be sensitive to individual sub-scores.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲