


2017/08/04 14:19:25 编辑: 浏览次数:374 移动端


Terms Dinitions
Peer 1. (noun) an equal, 2. (verb) to look closely at
Lavish 1. (verb) to spend freely, 2. (adj.) opulent; costing a lot
Shroud 1. a cover for dead body, 2. to cover
Floridity 1. floweriness in language, 2. redness
Articulation 1. joining, 2. speaking clearly
Autocrat absolute ruler; dictator
Concord agreement
Vex annoy
Haranguing attacking verbally
Corpulence being fat
Conflagration big fire
Censure blame; criticize
Conciliatory bringing together; ending a dispute
Arable can be cultivated ("arable land")
Infable can&apost be expressed in words
Insufferable cannot be tolerated
Mandatory compulsory
Cerebral concerned with thinking
Compendious containing a lot in a small space/few words
Disparaging critical
Callous cruel; hard and unfeeling
Consecrated dedicated; made holy
Profundity depth (of ideas/thought)
Depreciatory devaluing; criticizing
Debacles disasters
Polarized divided into two extremes
Dubious doubtful
Connoisseurs experts with good taste/judgment
Solicitous expressing care and concern
Demonstrative expressing emotion freely
Equitable fair and equal
Judicious fair; wise
Fidelity faithfulness; loyalty
Nemesis fate, doom
Amiable friendly, lovable
Sermonized gave moral lecture
Bountiful generous
Magnanimous generous minded; big-hearted (merciful; forgiving)
Somber gloomy
Deleterious harmful
Integrity honor; honesty
Animosity hostility; hatred
Imperious in a commanding manner
Formidable inspiring awe
Succulent juicy
Indulgent kindly; pampering
Opacity lack of transparency; being opaque
Steadfastness loyalty; firmness of purpose
Therapeutic medicinal
Histrionic melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotion
Regressive moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
Insular narrow-minded
Remiss neglectful
Dalliance non-serious involvement; toying or playing with something
Inscrutable not easy to comprehend
Intemperate not moderate; excessive
Momentous of great importance
Intermittent on and off; not continuous
Prosaic ordinary
Facile over-simplified
Contagious passed on through touch; infectious
Rhetoric persuasive language
Pragmatism practicality
Eulogy praise
Presumptive presumed
Thwarted prevented
Vindication proving right
Temporize put off; procrastinate
Idiosyncratic quirky; eccentric; unique to an individual
Radical revolutionary
Boorishness rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
Wistful sad, yearning; longing in a thoughtful way
Litigious seeking legal remedies
Mercenary seeking money above all else
Vindictive seeking revenge
Dearth shortage
Redolent smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
Convivial sociable
Palliative something that makes better but does not cure
Robust strong and sturdy
Petulant sulky
Cursory superficial
Advocate support
Quelled suppressed
Consummate supremely good
Toadies sycophants; flatterers; boot-lickers
Propensity tendency; leaning&apos predilection
Viscous thick and sticky
Sedulous thorough; eager
Meticulous thorough; taking care of details
Legitimate to make legal; give approval to
Sycophants toadies; flatterers
Intonation tone of voice
Treacly too sweet; over sentimental
Futile useless; waste of time and fort
Ambiguous vague
Reprehensible very bad
Fastidious very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
Vacillated wavered; hesitated
Adulation worship; great praise


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