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  Set 29--?xml:namespace prix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

  Sentence Completions

  1. despised

  2. rebellion….tension (why isn’ t it restraint/conflict (look at the explanation below- “duty” was the key word)

  3. serene (about a tourist attraction after the summer)

  4. serendipity

  5. slanted (someone was biased in their writing, including only celebratory images)

  6. tenacious...eradicated

  7. popular...resistant

  8. cogent( other options?)don” t know because it was correct

  9. spurious(other options? histrionic, inimitable, puerile)

  10. humdrum what was the sentence for this one?

  11. chastened...contrite (why not dolul)

  12. exuberant

  13. categorized

  14. dubious (about a researcher)

  15. a word that started with “W” what? ( I just wrote down “W” after test, which means the correct started with the letter “W” but now I can’ t remember the darn word was it wearisome? Yea but I think that was a part of a 2 part answer...maybe no

  16. comprehensive (an author or historian who had a comprehensive work)

  17. enthralled...virtuosity (painter about paintings)

  18. embellished or flawed /extensive illuminating the report was ___ by ____ errors? Something like that

  19. unruly dog


  ALICE Passage

  It was going to be a beautiful day.

  Alice climbed onto her bedroom windowsill and sat down, wrapping her arms around her legs. Early morning mist hovered in mysterious levels over the lawn below. In the tree branches that inclined near her window, the low sun ignited little white signal fires that flashed at Alice from the velvety spaces between the leaves. It was dark still beneath the ragged hems of the firs at the side of the house, and a cool, musty smell rose from under the old rhododendron bushes, but across the front lawn, downy stripes of sunlight began to unfurl between the long shadows of the trees. Beyond the lawn, and then farther out beyond the low border of the stone wall, fields revealed in the growing light raced away to the wooded horizon.

  On her windowsill, Alice waited, watching. The full energy of the day, like a parade assembling its drums and cymbals and marching players, lay just out of sight, gathering strength at the edge of the world. Any moment now, the day’ s brimming cup would spill over the far treetops and flood

  the hour with light.

  Today, the twenty-ninth day of May, was Alice’ s tenth birthday. When she was younger, her brothers had told her that the annual Memorial Day parade in Grange, the creeping procession of fire engines and floats and flag bearers that Alice watched with shining eyes from atop her father’ s shoulders, was held in celebration of her birthday, as if she were a princess whose subjects collected for her pleasure. Now she could not remember what it had felt like to believe this fiction, though she was assured she had believed it. She could only remember the uncomfortable dawning of her doubt: the gravity of the white-haired soldiers formed into a trembling V whose size diminished each year; her correct linking of the word memorial with the word memory—this, she puzzled, was not language for a birthday celebration; and her adding up of the other signs, too. No one saluted her as they went past. No one came to one knee bore her. No one said happy birthday.

  She could not remember what it had felt like to believe in Santa Claus, either. That faith, too, had slipped away from her with casually troubling ease. Like discovering a hole in her pocket through which a precious trinket had dropped and been lost, she could not pinpoint when the miracle had lt her.

  Out of loyalty, each spring the family still attended the Memorial Day parade, shabbily reinforced over the years by opportunistic floats from other jurisdictions: a pickup full of people in Star Trek costumes, a van from the television station in Brattleboro, a Frito-Lay truck from which employees in matching black polo shirts tossed bags of chips, a woman in her pink Mary Kay car trailing ribbons like a honeymoon vehicle.

  But now there was a birthday party, too.

  Already someone—one of the boys, probably—had carried the rush-seated dining room chairs outside for the party and arranged them haphazardly on the front lawn beneath Alice’ s windowsill; one had toppled over onto its side into the wet grass.


  The pdf of the book the passage is from can be found here.

  Reading 1 (Complaining, Alice birthday, Green Chemistry) has anyone found the chemistry passage?

  1. rebellion...tension or resistance....conflict Duty: a moral or legal obligation the versus indicates opposite so therore wouldn’ t resistance be the best answer? no she was torn between her sense of duty and being rebellious; therore she had an internal tension

  2. serendipity

  3. serene

  4. slanted

  5. tenacious…. Eradicated

  6. “Today was her birthday” clarified the details in the first paragraph . It didn’ t really give a sense of an attitude…? It did give a sense of attitude, it was explaining why she was looking forward to the day, there were no details in the first paragraph that would have been clarified by the fact that it was her birthday.

  7. Recalled a change in thought

  8. Why was her “ease” casually troubling? She should have been more aware of changes

  9. Why were the floats opportunistic? everyone had their own motives || self interest

  10. Anticipation

  11. A second usage of “today was her birthday” shifted the story from the past back into the present. “But now there was a birthday party, too.” Are you sure?

  Passage provide an outline of green chemistry

  1. Create something additional to conventional ..Don’ t remember thi

  2. Demonstrate biological advantages

  3. Passage written by a knowledgeable supporter

  4. Crate gate/Crate grave - Crate grave is more comprehensive

  5. Last paragraph had an optimistic view

  Reading 2 (Louis Armstrong, Omnivore)

  1. What do author 1 and author 2 disagree on? Cultural legacy of Armstrong

  2. purpose of dashes after neophilia and neophobia - to dine terms(?) can someone

  3. confirm

  4. Social and cultural implications of biological phenomenon vs Traditional Scientif Explan.

  5. The first sentence highlights an incongruity (because it was a boon and a challenge)

  6. “Rough” most nearly means Approximate (this was correct)*** wait why isnt the answer "crass"? the context of the word was that humans are able to distinguish between rough distinctions of flavors. "crass distinctions" or raw distinctions would be the best fit, not "approximate" or nearly exact distinctions.***go to vocabulary.com and look up crass. It does NOT fit here. the exact quote from the passage was,” And while our senses can help us draw the first rough distinctions between good and bad foods…”

  7. What does Brillat-Savarin imply about koalas? That they don’ t have as developed sense of taste as humans do. I remember an answer choice along the lines of …” Humans have more choices to choose from” ? not sure though

  8. traditionalization; (culinary assimilation?)

  9. Rrigerator is an illustrative example

  Math 1

  1. Equation for sum of a number and 12, multiplied by 7, and this product divided by 2

  2. If 3x+8=? what is x-12? don’ t remember the exact numbers

  3. 6,8,10 triangle area 24

  4. The x value of a point (-r,0) in the triangle is -10

  6. What value of x would make 1/x the smallest? 100

  7. Sum of two sides of a 30,60,90 degree triangle with hypotenuse 8 is 4 + 4 sqrt 3

  8. 40 mph and 60 mph = 48 mph average

  Grid In: NOT IN ORDER (missing 1 grid in -- someone please try to remember )

  6.8 (line segment)

  2 (diff. between triangle sides OA and OB 3-4-5 right triangle)

  2400 (systems of equations)

  80 (three consecutive ints)

  7 (3

  650 (vaccine A vaccine B)

  1.75 (large token, small token)

  x=3 (chart of functions 2(fx) + g(x) something like that)

  192 (circumference circle question)

  there was a question about what the x to (x,y) was? was that grid in or mc? it was an upside down v, answer to this was -10. What? x^(x,y)? what?

  the parallelogram problem, answer was 120 degrees each


  Math 2


  2. Ratio of r to s is 7:6 and the ratio of s to t is 3:2. What is the ratio of r to t? 7:4

  3. How many more photographers liked action than others(it was ‘other’ , not all the other options, are you sure it’ s 13?)? 13

  4. R+S = 225. It gave a triangle with the sides extended. It gave the bottom lt angle as 55 degrees/ It wanted to know the value of r+s.

  5. 22000 emails whole week. How many emails sent from Monday to Wednesday?

  6. 2/10 possibility of landing on an odd multiple of 3 (spinner was integers of 1 to 10)

  7. 45%

  8. How many ways can you choose 5 interior car colors and 6 exterior colors? 30

  9. Two circles are tangent to each other at point P. Radius of one circle is 4 and another is 5.

  There is a point R on one circle and point Q on another, what is the maximum possible distance between the two points R and Q? 18

  10. If an odd number that ends with 1 is prime, then the next odd number is also prime. Choose the pair of numbers that proves this false. 61 and 63

  11. What are the set of remainders for an integer divided by 5? {0,1,2,3,4}

  12. How many x values can satisfy this equation? None

  13. What is the equation that shows how fast babies are born? 1/7 s

  14. Slope of line is -2/3

  15. If r and w are directly proportional and r=16 when w=8, what is w if r=10?, w=5




  19. y; w = xy^2. What is not a factor of w, y isn’ t.

  20. f(x)-1 crosses x axis 4 times

  Writing 1 (flavoring fixing passage) ANYONE KNOW THE NO ERRORS? (Press,

  1. not only….AND ( should have been BUT ALSO)

  2. for we children, error should have been us


  4. It was reportedly at the zoo where she had seen the tiger (wrong answer was had saw)

  5. Audience, whose views - A. No Error

  6. Question about press and information essential to public knowledge? no error

  7. Although blah, blah, blah, BUT they…………( the error was at BUT)



  10. By reading the poems….(dangling modifier) Correct answer was E. The correct answer started with “When read out loud, the poem...

  11. The correct answer was the sentence that started with “ THAT the reserves of petroleum are ” (you sure?)yes, they have asked this question 15 times! the answer was “that the petroleum…” that replaces the fact that, and the verb was singular NO the verb was plural it was have, many people have agreed, the answer is that the reserves, the verb was singular and ’that’ was the answer



  14. Girl appreciative that she lived near the school - No Error ***you sure about this?** What question was this?


  15. Russian documents using the Californian gold rush as an example of what can ball a region when greed is awakened - No Error? What question was this ?

  16. adjective/adverb confusion ( can’ t remember the word though)




  20. The recipe requires the cook placing a cake in the oven and something else and an upside down cake? (subjunctive error) the error was C Should have been “to place” ? (yes, the infinitive should have been used instead of the gerund)

  21. denied of the rights of ...



  24.“If she would have blah, blah,, then she would have. .The error was the first “would have” . It should have been “had”

  25. Helen Ochoa astronaut, logging hours (disputed question) dinitely is “which”

  Discussion: Is “comma which” an error? Is it ambiguous? it was a modification problem which modifies missions how is that a problem? “Which” was the problem

  26. this was a noun/number agreement error

  27. the press, information essential to something- no error?


  29. Judges and selection , subject verb agreement

  30. Something to do with how the food appears (1st question of food coloring passage)

  31. Needed to add how the drinks were altered (Quote from scientist?)

  32. Add sentence bore sentence 6

  33.Leave , it appears, as is

  34. www.aoji.cn


  Reading 3 (Blockbuster passage)

  1. Popular.. resistant

  2. chastened...contrite


  4. humdrum

  5. spurious

  6. cogent ( this was the last SC of the section)



  9. What author of passage 2 would say - fundamentally wronged

  10. Tone describing Jaws 2 - unenthusiastic

  11. Both passages directly stated - blockbusters were a major goal

  12. Passage 1 stated an idea that Passage 2 disagreed with Was it challenged?

  13. Reason for question - bring up a different but relevant idea

  14. Different views of Star Wars - passage 1 part of an existing formula, passage 2 from personal experience

  15. Both filmmakers were focused more on artistic rather than financial value


  17. What is reservations rerring to?-misgiving

  18. Something about a top-down method

  19. Which was not mentioned in one passage? [Starwars] Answer = whether the movie was profitable or not


  Writing 2

  not only…..but also…(parallel structure question)

  Viewed several years later, the something seemed blah blah

  Set 31

  Sentence Completion (Vocab)

  Version 1

  On garlic -- salubrious...remedy

  On movie critics -- indebted...honest

  On polite company -- ribald

  On swiftness (task completion) -- celerity

  On species of trees -- panoply

  On the revival of business -- viable

  On 18th century writers using pseudonyms -- unsurprising

  On comic books -- secure...unabated

  On bankers -- hyperbolic...judicious

  On World Science Fair -- triumph

  On colonial women -- versatile

  On scientific research (which hates abstract constructs) -- verifiable...speculative

  Version 2

  1) indebted...honest ( about moview critics)

  2) secure...unabated" for the comic books CR question? The popularity of comic books is secure because the number of them in stroes is unabated????

  3) he knew his anecdote was Ribald so he rrained from telling the story for the company 9 wrong answers were cursory, wry, fete

  4) He completed his task with speed and Celerity

  5) ….salubrious

  6) The name of the bankers book was “ bankers are the most important in the world, this is hyperbolic title. with judicious

  7) Verifiable…..speculative (something about thought sand research) Sciencetist prer examine verifiable something,,,,, because soemthigs are speculative..

  8) Movie goers are indebted to …something( online reviews maybe) because the reviews are more honest

  9) The world Science Fair was a triumph, even thought there were a few minors problems.

  10) Colonial women were versatile

  11) Panoply

  12) Viable (yes) Viable comes in a sentence completion question about a business originally stagnant but then starts thriving. I put down viable as my answer

  13) Verified and speculation

  14) Decry NOT dile

  15) Meld

  16) Obtrusive

  17) Accustomed…..forgiving

  18) Customary…..allowing

  Reading Comprehension

  Acupuncture (2 passages)

  objective evaluation


  On attitude of scientists -- Excited

  On broken toys, cracked stuff -- To evoke specific events of disappointment.

  On thingness -- Fixed nature

  On infinity symbol -- limitless potential

  On steep learning curve -- far from perfection

  On “credo” -- apt but clumsy

  On what best describes plastics -- Mystery man

  On absolute quick-change artistry – unrestricted

  Vibration theory of odor perception (2 passages)

  On dinition of impressions -- notions

  On relationship between P1 and P2 -- P2 mocked P1’ s claim (can’ t recall what P1 did)

  Purpose of the last paragraph-- continue an explanation

  The author describes the quest as all of the following EXCEPT: -- perilous

  “Lot” most likely rers to: -- parcel

  Which evidence would best support the author’ s explanation-- ???

  Author’ s opinion -- ??? (most likely informed speculation?)

  The “silence” most directly rers to the absence of: -- ???

  records of the family, or something alike

  How does the author view his own explanation? -- Plausible theory?

  We all did. But the question was phrased “how does the author view his own

  explanation” so I thought informed speculation seemed more positive and likely than piecemeal

  Stone Soup

  - goes from admiration to appreciation of usulness or something

  - “hard” light = intense

  - The author mentions two instances of light to: emphasize its short-lived nature

  -describe memories as he washes the stone to- something along the lines of describing sensory experience y images from his past.




  Set 29

  Sentence Completions

  1. despised

  2. rebellion….tension (why isn’ t it restraint/conflict (look at the explanation below- “duty” was the key word)

  3. serene (about a tourist attraction after the summer)

  4. serendipity

  5. slanted (someone was biased in their writing, including only celebratory images)

  6. tenacious...eradicated

  7. popular...resistant

  8. cogent( other options?)don” t know because it was correct

  9. spurious(other options? histrionic, inimitable, puerile)

  10. humdrum what was the sentence for this one?

  11. chastened...contrite (why not dolul)

  12. exuberant

  13. categorized

  14. dubious (about a researcher)

  15. a word that started with “W” what? ( I just wrote down “W” after test, which means the correct started with the letter “W” but now I can’ t remember the darn word was it wearisome? Yea but I think that was a part of a 2 part answer...maybe no

  16. comprehensive (an author or historian who had a comprehensive work)

  17. enthralled...virtuosity (painter about paintings)

  18. embellished or flawed /extensive illuminating the report was ___ by ____ errors? Something like that

  19. unruly dog


  ALICE Passage

  It was going to be a beautiful day.

  Alice climbed onto her bedroom windowsill and sat down, wrapping her arms around her legs. Early morning mist hovered in mysterious levels over the lawn below. In the tree branches that inclined near her window, the low sun ignited little white signal fires that flashed at Alice from the velvety spaces between the leaves. It was dark still beneath the ragged hems of the firs at the side of the house, and a cool, musty smell rose from under the old rhododendron bushes, but across the front lawn, downy stripes of sunlight began to unfurl between the long shadows of the trees. Beyond the lawn, and then farther out beyond the low border of the stone wall, fields revealed in the growing light raced away to the wooded horizon.

  On her windowsill, Alice waited, watching. The full energy of the day, like a parade assembling its drums and cymbals and marching players, lay just out of sight, gathering strength at the edge of the world. Any moment now, the day’ s brimming cup would spill over the far treetops and flood

  the hour with light.

  Today, the twenty-ninth day of May, was Alice’ s tenth birthday. When she was younger, her brothers had told her that the annual Memorial Day parade in Grange, the creeping procession of fire engines and floats and flag bearers that Alice watched with shining eyes from atop her father’ s shoulders, was held in celebration of her birthday, as if she were a princess whose subjects collected for her pleasure. Now she could not remember what it had felt like to believe this fiction, though she was assured she had believed it. She could only remember the uncomfortable dawning of her doubt: the gravity of the white-haired soldiers formed into a trembling V whose size diminished each year; her correct linking of the word memorial with the word memory—this, she puzzled, was not language for a birthday celebration; and her adding up of the other signs, too. No one saluted her as they went past. No one came to one knee bore her. No one said happy birthday.

  She could not remember what it had felt like to believe in Santa Claus, either. That faith, too, had slipped away from her with casually troubling ease. Like discovering a hole in her pocket through which a precious trinket had dropped and been lost, she could not pinpoint when the miracle had lt her.

  Out of loyalty, each spring the family still attended the Memorial Day parade, shabbily reinforced over the years by opportunistic floats from other jurisdictions: a pickup full of people in Star Trek costumes, a van from the television station in Brattleboro, a Frito-Lay truck from which employees in matching black polo shirts tossed bags of chips, a woman in her pink Mary Kay car trailing ribbons like a honeymoon vehicle.

  But now there was a birthday party, too.

  Already someone—one of the boys, probably—had carried the rush-seated dining room chairs outside for the party and arranged them haphazardly on the front lawn beneath Alice’ s windowsill; one had toppled over onto its side into the wet grass.


  The pdf of the book the passage is from can be found here.

  Reading 1 (Complaining, Alice birthday, Green Chemistry) has anyone found the chemistry passage?

  1. rebellion...tension or resistance....conflict Duty: a moral or legal obligation the versus indicates opposite so therore wouldn’ t resistance be the best answer? no she was torn between her sense of duty and being rebellious; therore she had an internal tension

  2. serendipity

  3. serene

  4. slanted

  5. tenacious…. Eradicated

  6. “Today was her birthday” clarified the details in the first paragraph . It didn’ t really give a sense of an attitude…? It did give a sense of attitude, it was explaining why she was looking forward to the day, there were no details in the first paragraph that would have been clarified by the fact that it was her birthday.

  7. Recalled a change in thought

  8. Why was her “ease” casually troubling? She should have been more aware of changes

  9. Why were the floats opportunistic? everyone had their own motives || self interest

  10. Anticipation

  11. A second usage of “today was her birthday” shifted the story from the past back into the present. “But now there was a birthday party, too.” Are you sure?

  Passage provide an outline of green chemistry

  1. Create something additional to conventional ..Don’ t remember thi

  2. Demonstrate biological advantages

  3. Passage written by a knowledgeable supporter

  4. Crate gate/Crate grave - Crate grave is more comprehensive

  5. Last paragraph had an optimistic view

  Reading 2 (Louis Armstrong, Omnivore)

  1. What do author 1 and author 2 disagree on? Cultural legacy of Armstrong

  2. purpose of dashes after neophilia and neophobia - to dine terms(?) can someone

  3. confirm

  4. Social and cultural implications of biological phenomenon vs Traditional Scientif Explan.

  5. The first sentence highlights an incongruity (because it was a boon and a challenge)

  6. “Rough” most nearly means Approximate (this was correct)*** wait why isnt the answer "crass"? the context of the word was that humans are able to distinguish between rough distinctions of flavors. "crass distinctions" or raw distinctions would be the best fit, not "approximate" or nearly exact distinctions.***go to vocabulary.com and look up crass. It does NOT fit here. the exact quote from the passage was,” And while our senses can help us draw the first rough distinctions between good and bad foods…”

  7. What does Brillat-Savarin imply about koalas? That they don’ t have as developed sense of taste as humans do. I remember an answer choice along the lines of …” Humans have more choices to choose from” ? not sure though

  8. traditionalization; (culinary assimilation?)

  9. Rrigerator is an illustrative example

  Math 1

  1. Equation for sum of a number and 12, multiplied by 7, and this product divided by 2

  2. If 3x+8=? what is x-12? don’ t remember the exact numbers

  3. 6,8,10 triangle area 24

  4. The x value of a point (-r,0) in the triangle is -10

  6. What value of x would make 1/x the smallest? 100

  7. Sum of two sides of a 30,60,90 degree triangle with hypotenuse 8 is 4 + 4 sqrt 3

  8. 40 mph and 60 mph = 48 mph average

  Grid In: NOT IN ORDER (missing 1 grid in -- someone please try to remember )

  6.8 (line segment)

  2 (diff. between triangle sides OA and OB 3-4-5 right triangle)

  2400 (systems of equations)

  80 (three consecutive ints)

  7 (3

  650 (vaccine A vaccine B)

  1.75 (large token, small token)

  x=3 (chart of functions 2(fx) + g(x) something like that)

  192 (circumference circle question)

  there was a question about what the x to (x,y) was? was that grid in or mc? it was an upside down v, answer to this was -10. What? x^(x,y)? what?

  the parallelogram problem, answer was 120 degrees each


  Math 2


  2. Ratio of r to s is 7:6 and the ratio of s to t is 3:2. What is the ratio of r to t? 7:4

  3. How many more photographers liked action than others(it was ‘other’ , not all the other options, are you sure it’ s 13?)? 13

  4. R+S = 225. It gave a triangle with the sides extended. It gave the bottom lt angle as 55 degrees/ It wanted to know the value of r+s.

  5. 22000 emails whole week. How many emails sent from Monday to Wednesday?

  6. 2/10 possibility of landing on an odd multiple of 3 (spinner was integers of 1 to 10)

  7. 45%

  8. How many ways can you choose 5 interior car colors and 6 exterior colors? 30

  9. Two circles are tangent to each other at point P. Radius of one circle is 4 and another is 5.

  There is a point R on one circle and point Q on another, what is the maximum possible distance between the two points R and Q? 18

  10. If an odd number that ends with 1 is prime, then the next odd number is also prime. Choose the pair of numbers that proves this false. 61 and 63

  11. What are the set of remainders for an integer divided by 5? {0,1,2,3,4}

  12. How many x values can satisfy this equation? None

  13. What is the equation that shows how fast babies are born? 1/7 s

  14. Slope of line is -2/3

  15. If r and w are directly proportional and r=16 when w=8, what is w if r=10?, w=5




  19. y; w = xy^2. What is not a factor of w, y isn’ t.

  20. f(x)-1 crosses x axis 4 times

  Writing 1 (flavoring fixing passage) ANYONE KNOW THE NO ERRORS? (Press,

  1. not only….AND ( should have been BUT ALSO)

  2. for we children, error should have been us


  4. It was reportedly at the zoo where she had seen the tiger (wrong answer was had saw)

  5. Audience, whose views - A. No Error

  6. Question about press and information essential to public knowledge? no error

  7. Although blah, blah, blah, BUT they…………( the error was at BUT)



  10. By reading the poems….(dangling modifier) Correct answer was E. The correct answer started with “When read out loud, the poem...

  11. The correct answer was the sentence that started with “ THAT the reserves of petroleum are ” (you sure?)yes, they have asked this question 15 times! the answer was “that the petroleum…” that replaces the fact that, and the verb was singular NO the verb was plural it was have, many people have agreed, the answer is that the reserves, the verb was singular and ’that’ was the answer



  14. Girl appreciative that she lived near the school - No Error ***you sure about this?** What question was this?


  15. Russian documents using the Californian gold rush as an example of what can ball a region when greed is awakened - No Error? What question was this ?

  16. adjective/adverb confusion ( can’ t remember the word though)




  20. The recipe requires the cook placing a cake in the oven and something else and an upside down cake? (subjunctive error) the error was C Should have been “to place” ? (yes, the infinitive should have been used instead of the gerund)

  21. denied of the rights of ...



  24.“If she would have blah, blah,, then she would have. .The error was the first “would have” . It should have been “had”

  25. Helen Ochoa astronaut, logging hours (disputed question) dinitely is “which”

  Discussion: Is “comma which” an error? Is it ambiguous? it was a modification problem which modifies missions how is that a problem? “Which” was the problem

  26. this was a noun/number agreement error

  27. the press, information essential to something- no error?


  29. Judges and selection , subject verb agreement

  30. Something to do with how the food appears (1st question of food coloring passage)

  31. Needed to add how the drinks were altered (Quote from scientist?)

  32. Add sentence bore sentence 6

  33.Leave , it appears, as is

  34. www.aoji.cn


  Reading 3 (Blockbuster passage)

  1. Popular.. resistant

  2. chastened...contrite


  4. humdrum

  5. spurious

  6. cogent ( this was the last SC of the section)



  9. What author of passage 2 would say - fundamentally wronged

  10. Tone describing Jaws 2 - unenthusiastic

  11. Both passages directly stated - blockbusters were a major goal

  12. Passage 1 stated an idea that Passage 2 disagreed with Was it challenged?

  13. Reason for question - bring up a different but relevant idea

  14. Different views of Star Wars - passage 1 part of an existing formula, passage 2 from personal experience

  15. Both filmmakers were focused more on artistic rather than financial value


  17. What is reservations rerring to?-misgiving

  18. Something about a top-down method

  19. Which was not mentioned in one passage? [Starwars] Answer = whether the movie was profitable or not


  Writing 2

  not only…..but also…(parallel structure question)

  Viewed several years later, the something seemed blah blah 上12下


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