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  根据考生回忆,本次12 6 SAT 亚太区的作文考试题目为:

  Can people who are not famous be better role models than people who are famous?

  Prompt的简单回忆版本为:My father was my role model because he could do all of the things that I want to do in sports. I am sure there are people like him in your life. You might have an elder brother who is in college and is getting excellent grades. You can follow his leading by listening to what he says about doing well. Your role models do not have to be famous people. They can be the people you see and talk to everyday.

  1st step: 此题考察考生在建立idea时,对比选择people who are not famous和famous people在充当role model时孰优孰劣。首先需要明确的是,无论选择何种观点,只要表达论证清晰明确就可以被阅卷人接受。那么,搜索我们脑海中的记忆,在历年真题中有哪些类似的题目有交集,可以被应用到本文中?例如,2010年6月的考题 “Should ordinary people be considered heroes, or should the term ‘hero’ be reserved for extraordinary people?”或者其他关于hero崇拜题目的立意都可作为借鉴。

  2nd step: develop the idea的时候,任何能够体现people who are not famous和celebrities对比的例证都是合理的。例如,写people who are not famous can be better role models than famous ones,由于身边的非名人可以陪伴我们成长,所以更接地气,对自己的影响更长久更多维更深刻。可以记叙或描写一件个人经历,如prompt所述的哥哥、父亲,身边的小伙伴等。原因其实还有很多,比如由于了解比较全面,崇拜身边的人并非会由于好奇或因为相对的弱势地位而崇拜,可以避免盲目追星,so we admire and wish to emulate them,从而真正学到优良的品质,like courage, honor or justice。这个角度也可以选取一些盲目崇拜名人的经典事例来进行反面的辅助例证。反之,如果写people who are not famous cannot be better,可以分析名人的代表性更强影响力更大神秘感更多,are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy,这是身边普通人无法比拟的。也可以分析值得作为偶像的名人通常做了常人无法企及的事迹,从而能够lift our sight higher,避免our horizons of possibility are too cramped。总之,分析所选取idea的合理之处,按照正常的事件发展顺序去写清起因、过程和结果。根据我们上课讲过的例证及论证部分,选取合适的examples,cases和supporting information来展开。

  对于6 号的SAT 写作,给予解读:


  大家准备的很多名人例子,在成名之初都有过一段较长的“屌丝期”,后来由于自己的发愤图强、不畏艰难、持之以恒、挑战权威,最终出名了。从这个思路出发,写“people who are not famous”就有思路了,重点突出主人公的品质。比如常用的例子力克胡哲、曼德拉,早年都不出名,都可以写。当然,如果要得更高的分数,建议突出“role models”,即影响了多少人,比如力克胡哲早年的演讲,影响了很多四肢健全的小盆友,把自己塑造成他们的精神model。

  如果写反方,建议写出人成名之后影响力更大这一点。你会发现,力克胡哲还可以用,突出他成名后的影响力就可以,如他成名后写的那本畅销书,影响了更多的人。当然,曼德拉入狱之后就开始出名了,之后影响人更多。二位也都是成名同时成为role model的例子。




  Can people who are not famous be better role models than people who are famous?

  Quite a lot of people try to imitate the behaviors of famous people, believing that in this way they can also achieve success. But things are not that perfect, since the lifestyle and thinking mode of renowned people are completely different from those of ordinary being. The life of those who are not famous, in contrast, is closer to that of the average people. As a result, those who are not that well-known can be better role models.

  The achievements of a common person can spark enthusiasm and confidence in people like him or her and hence inspire them to strive forward. This can be demonstrated by the story of Liz Murray, because as a common girl she saved herself from desperateness to a person of value through perseverant struggle, and her experience obviously inspired many others who were trapped in similar situations. Being homeless at young age, Liz Murray was bullied by other beggars. Her life was regarded by many as a doomed failure. The lack of parental care and financial support, though throwing Liz into darkness at first, quickly aroused her determination to live on her own. By attending to the Humanities Preparatory Academy, she managed to finish the prescribed four year high school curriculum within only two years, although she started with an academic level that was only equivalent to that of an eighth grader. Later she was admitted into Harvard University. Since then, numerous young people who were living at the bottom of society saw a ray of hope from Liz, because their situations were quite similar in the beginning and Liz’s success enhanced their possibility of success. To sum up, had Liz Murray been a famous person, her success would not have aroused other ordinary people’s morale to such a high degree.

  On the contrary, the achievements of a famous person are so remarkable that others might blindly follow whatever he or she does. The prominent German chemist Fritz Haber, who focused on inventing inhumane killing weapons and misled a number of other scientists to behave like him, sets an emblematic example. As the first one to produce ammonia from air, Haber became a Noble laureate and received world-wide admiration. Obviously a lot of scientists enthusiastically followed this world-known achiever, but it turned out that they were misguided. The thing was, when Haber, allured by material interests, accepted the German authority’s requirement to invent inhumane weapons, many chemical scientists imitated him and accepted the invitation at the same time. They considered Haber as a venerable model and trusted whatever he was doing. For the next four years, they unconditionally went after Haber and took part in the manufacture of toxic gas. Once applied to the battlield, the chemical weapons killed thousands of innocents and caused irreversible damages to the ecosystem. Consequently, all those having participated in the weapon development were labeled as immortal human beings. To conclude, it was the glorious accomplishments of famous chemist Fritz Haber that lt his followers disoriented and that caused them to go astray.

  The cases of Liz Murray and Fritz Haber suggest that people who are not famous can behave as better models than people who are famous. Fame can be regarded as an admirable milestone, but one should not ignore the shining points of common people.


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