您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 美国大学“最聪明”新生SAT成绩TOP50排行榜.
1. California Institute of Technology:1550
2. University of Chicago:1510
3 .Harvard University:1505
3 .Yale University:1505
5 .Princeton University:1500
6 .Massachusetts Institute of Technology:1495
7 .Harvey Mudd College:1494
8 .Columbia University:1480
9 .Stanford University:1475
9. Northwestern University:1475
11 .Rice University:1470
12. Vanderbilt University:1465
12 .Washington University in St. Louis:1465
12. University of Notre Dame:1465
15 .Duke University:1460
15 .Pomona College:1460
17 .University of Pennsylvania:1455
17 .Dartmouth College:1455
17 .Williams College:1455
20.Amherst College:1450
20. Swarthmore College:1450
22. Johns Hopkins University: 1445
22. Bowdoin College:1445
24. Brown University: 1440
24. Carnegie Mellon University:1440
24 .Tufts University:1440
27 .Claremont McKenna College:1435
28 .Cornell University:1420
28 .Georgetown University:1420
28 .Northeastern University:1420
31 .Carleton College:1415
32. Haverford College:1410
33 .Vassar College:1405
34. Georgia Institute of Technology: 1400
34. Grinnell College:1400
36 .Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute:1395
37. University of California at Berkeley:1390
37. Hamilton College:1390
37 .Washington and Lee University:1390
40 .Wellesley College:1385
40. Wesleyan University:1385
42 .University of Southern California:1380
42 .University of Michigan at Ann Arbor:1380
44 .Colgate University:1375
44 .Reed College:1375
44 .Cooper Union:1375
47. Emory University:1370
47 .College of William and Mary:1370
47. Case Western Reserve University:1370
50 .Macalester College:1368
上述即美国大学新生SAT考试成绩排行靠前的院校及成绩介绍,不同美国大学所需SAT成绩要求会对正准备申请16年留学的同学提供一些参考和选校的方向,当然选择留学院校除了参考语言及入学成绩外, 还需考虑大学偏好等软性要求,更多美国大学申请条件及标准可关注澳际教育留学频道。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲