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612bj ChE 2000check

2017/03/27 09:16:02 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:287 移动端
6.12 bj check签经 [b]背景:F1, 去Cornell ChE, 清华2002硕士,毕业后留校Ra [b]2002年去Drexel化学,两次悲剧,上次回国计划是进公司,现在变成做faculty [b]6.12,244号,9:10到,正好叫到250号,进去,人很多,心里也紧张,就找凳子座了一会,等心 情 [b]稍微平静些再叫表,领到白色牌子,最后等了1个半小时,在7号窗口签. [b]过程: [b]v:haideng [b]m:here,(上)Good morning, Sir. Here is your card. [b]v:thank you . [b]m迟疑了一下,还是说了)You are welcome. [b]v:where will you go? [b]m:Pursue my Ph.D. degree at Cornell, my major is Polymer [b]v:Polymer? [b]m:Yes, would you like to hear something about it? [b]v: 不理我,转向电脑了 [b]m:我也就不说了 [b]v: ***plan***? [b]m: I will join the best Polymer programs in China to help advance the [b]resear [b]ch of functional polymer [b]开始冷场了,vo开始翻我以前的一堆DS表,我开始紧张,赶紧说点 [b]m: Sir, I was rejected last year, but now I have many changes.I have a new [b]offer, I have worked [b]v:打断 what is new offer? [b]m: Cornell is a new offer,and I have other offers from UT-Austin and U. [b]Akron [b]v: You don't work now, what are you doing? [b]m: I had been a Ra in Tsinghua Univ from last Sept. to this April, and [b]becau se of SARS, I stopped my work on campuse in April, now I am going [b]over some textbooks such as Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Physics to [b]prepare for my further studies. [b]v: what is you plan after graduation from Cornell? [b]m: (奇怪,怎么又问一边,不管怎样,说)I will join the best Polymer Programs in [b]China, such as Tsinghua University. to help the research in my group. [b]v: do you have supporting letter? [b]m: yes, I have a sp from Prof. ***,(接过去,稍微看了以下,我接着说)he is my [b]boss when I did ra in Tsinghua Univ. He told me that the teachers in [b]functional polymer is badly short,so he welcomed me back. [b]v: then do you have the introduction to what you will do in Cornell? [b]m: i haven't advisor yet. [b]v: do you have any supporting material from Cornell? [b]m还以为他问未来导师的支持信呢) I haven't advisor yet.In fact, every doctor [b]students will have their advisor after the first semester. I have told them [b]to give me a sp, but [b]v: (重读)any material from Cornell? [b]m: (醒悟过来,赶紧有什么第什么)yes, here is the offer letter,and here is a [b]list of my future classmates.(看了offer letter,没看名单,我就说)well, this [b]year , Cornell only admitted 2 chinese students into the polymer program. [b]v等了一下)your resume? [b]m: here you are. [b]再等了一会,他就开始在DS表上开始划,没看清楚,好像在I-20表上哪个位置划了圈.然后 ,就 [b]说你被checked了,具体语句我没有听清楚. [b]m: but my major is not sensitive. [b]v: 没说话,看了一眼我.我也没干多说了.thank you anyway. [b]那东西走人. 自己感觉这次有点拿Cornell的牌子砸的,说的时候也不像我写得这么流畅了,过 [b]程中vo好 像没怎么看电脑,一直对着我,没有纠缠我关于回国计划什么的. 接下来只能等着 [b]了,对了他只拿走了我的offer letter和我的简历,这能check我什么呀? [b]立即咨询


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