


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:18 移动端
开心是我现在唯一的感受。:)从昨天到今天一直在收各种各样的祝福,心里的感动 一点点 [b]的满溢,直到早上叫完号走在通往签证大厅的林荫小道上,心里竞已经决然不在乎 是否能够 [b]拿到VISA,只是装着家人、朋友和我爱的人的澳际,要去走这漫漫飞跃长路上的最后一步。 [b][b]我是8点8号,因为挂念着有人在外面等,所以很早就进去很早就交了表,领到了浅粉 色的牌 [b]子。突然想起从前领的17号楼门牌也是浅粉色的,当时还打趣说就像签证一样,没 想到签的 [b]时候居然真是这个颜色:) [b][b]当时只开了4个窗口,我没有十分在意都有谁,不过见到hfmm了,远远的看似乎没有觉 得很 [b]pp,她在7号窗口。8号应该是spls,9号美男了。我们队最终成为大tt签的第一队。其 实我 [b]还是很尊敬他的,因为从他前面工作以及与我交谈的情况来看,我觉得他其实是很有 原则 [b]的,判断也很犀利,只不过标准比较严格,所以过的人不多。 [b][b]我们队第一个是个去Yale的gg,我没听清专业,但是听到好几声大声的Yale。他的口 语还不 [b]错,不过似乎plan不是很convincing,而且在大tt的盘问下有点阵脚不稳,于是很 快听见 [b]大tt说sorry,他很无奈的就走了。当时下面队里一阵骚动,颇受打击。 [b][b]第二个就叫到我了。当时看见被领到他队里,我就准备好了什么材料都不用,直接和 他交流 [b]了。而且结果证明我的判断是准确的,最后他只看了我的GT,其它一堆sl都没用上。 [b][b]Me: Morning,Sir! [b]Vo: Morning. How r u? [b]Me: Pretty good. Here is my card:) [b]Vo: Thanks. So what will u do in the U.S.? [b]Me: I am gonna pursue my Ph.D. in chemical engineering at ***. [b]Vo: Your G/T. [b]Me: OK.Just a minute(give him GT) [b]Vo: So what's gonna be ur speciality? [b]Me: I will focus my research and study on E3 modeling(blablabla...) [b]Vo: What's ur plan? [b]Me: I will come back to Tsinghua and study the carbon emission problem of [b]China. [b]You know, China is still experiencing very fast traditional industry devel- [b]opment, which means the carbon emission of it will stay as a great part of [b]the worlds. While the methodology of modeling analysis has not been [b]systematically established here. [b]Vo: Did u apply Chinese university? [b]Me: No [b]Vo: Why not? U r a student of Tsinghua,and it would be really easy [b](blabla..) [b]Me: I wish I could, but there has not been any research group of the kind [b]that fits my research interests well. [b]Vo: Then why come back? (blabla...) [b]Me: Just because there is no such groups here, that I wanna come back and [b]start the research systematically in China. [b]Vo: What's gonna be ur salary? [b]Me: My basic salary from the department is gonna be kind of 100 thousand [b]per year, that's to say, 8,000/month. Still I can take up several positions [b]of consultants in big environment and energy companies, which will bring [b]another very appreciable income. What's more,.... [b]Vo: Salary in the U.S.? [b]Me: About 50,000 USD/year. [b]Vo: 抓住机会一通说,大意就是说我在美国会挣的更多。 [b]Me:赶紧反驳,说I will be the bridge between China and the international [b]society on the carbon emission problem.(呵呵,今天太累了,不细写了) [b]Vo:OK,OK.(Typing, and checking the list of sensative majors) [b]You r really qualified for the VISA, so I will give it to u. But I do hope [b]u can come back to China. None of ur classmates at MIT has come back, but [b]still I hope u can come back, that's why I issue u the VISA. I have to send [b]ur material to Washionton, and as long as they say OK, u will get it. [b]写,盖章。Have a nice day! [b]Me: Have a nice day!:) [b][b]整体的感觉大tt是个很敬业的vo,而且思路和眼光很是犀利敏捷,很容易把你往他的方向 上 [b]引。最重要的一是交流,在面试过程中我和他一直保持很好的交流状态,两人的语速都 快, [b]所以虽然整个过程只有5分钟,信息量还是很大。二是一定要真正想清楚自己的计划,这样才 [b]能不被他牵着走,而可以一直坚定地阐述自己的观点。和他的对话感觉很是有趣且 有挑战 [b]性,最后因为专业原因被check,我依然对结果很满意,因为觉得自己已经表现的 很好,这 [b]也是我能得到的最好结果了。:) [b][b]签完以后就冲出使馆,在麦当劳等了半天终于等到了好兄弟weirei也被check的好消息。 下 [b]午在王府井狠狠的逛了一通,买了副 Sole min犒劳自己,hoho [b][b]该写感谢了:) [b]谢谢枫儿,起的这么早陪我去签证逛街,这个生日真的会让我永生难忘。而你给我的生日 [b]贺卡,我也带着去见了大tt一面,虽然他没机会欣赏:) [b]谢谢老爸老妈,你们的骄傲是我前进永远的动力! [b]谢谢我的好朋友们,licca, torlin, weirei, Distiller, laurry, Silversnow, [b]cornellbobo...... [b]你们的建议对我来说很重要,你们的友情更是我需要一生珍惜的财富:) [b]谢谢我的好同学youngxr99,fthys,pipou,...也祝youngxr99 2000顺利! [b]谢谢skate版和dance版的家人们为我的签证祝福,你们给我无尽的勇气! [b]谢谢众多的麻油,期待在boston与你们相聚! [b]谢谢一切关心我支持我的朋友们,没有你们我什么也做不成! [b]最后要谢谢我自己,用沉着和自信圆满的走完了最后的VISA历程,虽然没能成为北京 [b]化工专业的第一个pass,我相信我的表现已经为所有的ChEers捍卫了尊严。 [b][b]最后祝愿每一个飞跃者都能够顺利地拿到VISA,崭新的生活正在我们的前方展开!^_^ [b][b]bless us all//立即咨询


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