


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:200 移动端
首先最最感谢我的美丽聪明的GF,我们俩一星期不间断的练习使得我的口语有很大的提 高, [b]也是你帮我修改完善了那么多回答,才能让我最后达到交流自如的地步。没有你, 我绝对不 [b]可能签过。9号签证官太苛刻,居然不给申辩的机会就拒了你,你的口语和表达 能力都远远 [b]超过我的阿。没关系,我们忙完论文再一起准备二签,让我永远做你坚实的 依靠! [b][b]感谢UVA的战友们,每次聚会的热烈讨论都会有很大收获,谢谢silentcat和她老公(呵 [b]呵,牛人,不提名字了!),tk的VO。下次签的是silentcat和coup了,祝顺利! [b][b]感谢irrony的vo,给我以很多思路启发,dym(我发现我还是不知道你的id)11号帮我分 析 [b]不足和缺点。renadudu为生医来了个开门红,振奋人心,呵呵。 [b][b]感谢我的室友:nowhy,gunman,sby [b][b]感谢所有帮助和关注我的朋友:mum,downy,hunter0329,wh,ll,brook [b]还有很多没列出名字的朋友 [b][b]我的VO过程: [b]交材料时刚好到我浅蓝的牌子领光了,等了十分钟,领到桔红的第一个,排在队伍第一 个, [b]领头兵。前期只有6、7、8、9四个窗口在签,6、7分别是tt和HFMM,8,9是两个美 男(不 [b]是放水的那个,都很严厉),我当时只注意了tt签证,签了两队只过了一个,ch eck两个, [b]余下全据。十号窗口基本没人等。到10点左右,4号窗口美男出现,先签了一 对,通过率很 [b]高,大家都比较激动,签完后美男举了浅蓝的牌子,浅蓝队基本全是F1, 只有一个悲剧,其 [b]余(至少9个人吧,不确定)都过。我GF白牌被9号窗口领走,我眼看 着要被6号或7号之一签 [b](各剩一个人),心里倒也一点都不紧张,还在那儿idling sim ile。这时突然5号窗口平 [b]头出现,举桔红牌。我们入场,我又是排头兵,刚站定,vo就 叫我了! [b]实录: [b]m: me v:vo (5号平头签证官) [b]m:Nice to meet you, sir. Here is my card. [b]v:Oh, thanks. [b]v:so %&^^$*&? [b]m:I beg your pardon, sir, because this microphone... [b]v:OK, sorry. (pat the microphone) What will do in USA? [b]m:I will study in University of Virginia. [b]v:Your subject? [b]m:My major is Biomedical Engineer. And I'm pursuing my PhD degree. [b]v:PhD, OK. Then how many universites did you apply to? [b]m:Eight. [b]v:How many admitted you? [b]m:Three. [b]v:How many give you financial aid? [b]m:Only UVA. And drexel university told me that I should contact my future [b]ad [b]visor for financial aid, but I withdraw it at last. [b]v:So what will you do with your PhD degree? [b]m:I will come back and join the research groups of our BME corporations [b]such as ANKE, MINDRAY, and so on. I will focus on medical imaging... [b]v:Medical imaging? [b]m:Yeah, my specialty is medical imaging. [b]v:What is it? [b]m:It is a frequently used tool to help doctors to look at the inside of [b]huma n body. It can give views of human organs and tissues, so it can [b]greatly enhance the diagnosis ability of doctors. [b]v:(saw the list on the wall, and talked with the big tt) [b]m:(when he came back) Sir, I have a support letter from UVA about my major, [b]would you like to see it? [b]v:(operating his computer) Yes. [b]m:Here you are. [b]v:(took a glance) Your GRE and TOEFL scores. [b]m:Please wait for a while. Here are they. [b]m:(while he was looking at my GT) I also print some introduction of the [b]corp orations in China, would you like to see it? [b]v:OK. [b]m:(gave the hiring advertisement of MINDRAY to him) [b]v:(looked at it) Why will you come back? [b]m:Our corporations all have ambitions to develop their own medical [b]instrumen ts. You see, our native medical imaging devices are much cheaper [b]than the fo reign ones, so the hospitals are more willing to use the native [b]ones. Our government strongly support development of our own devices, you [b]can see, in the strggles of SARS... [b]v:OK (stopped me) [b]m:This is the file of Ministry of Health, would you like to have a look? [b]v:(busy with his computer) no need. [b]v:Your major is doing instruments, right? [b]m:(I understood that he was asking wether I can use it to military use) [b]Yes. [b][b]v:(began to tear the yellow card, but stopped) Do you know University@#$%? [b]m:I beg your pardon, sir? [b]v:Do you know where UVA is? [b]m:Yeah! It is in state of virginia, and it is very near to Washington DC... [b]v:Which city do you know? [b]m:Char... I'm sorry I don't know how to pronunce that word. [b]v:(circled on my DS156, and teared the yellow card) Charlottesville, a very [b]beautiful place and UVA is a very famous university. Have a nice trip to [b]US! [b][b]m:Thank you very much! [b][b]一点感想: [b]1.一定要有交谈的感觉,我看到今天很多人背的痕迹太明显了。最后一定要忘光你背的 东 [b]西,以纯反应去回答,就会有交流的感觉,当然不经意就用了很多你曾背过的东西。 [b][b]2.自己的计划一定要准备好,要经得住仔细推敲。 [b]3.不要想着自己被哪个签证官签,完全是运气,没法预测。立即咨询


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