

6.18号梅龙镇胖jfmm 4000轻松pass

2017/03/27 09:16:02 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:31 移动端
(本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b]本人背景: 去年OSU statistics 全自费被据3次,弄得我真是有点心灰意冷,在美国的bf去年 [b]跑回来看了我两次,第二次的时候我们去领了证,,准备今年改签F2.没想到今年4月拿到FIU的 [b]全奖(MASTER IN ECONOMICS)虽然学校不好,但是决定还是再试试,继续签F1. [b][b]今天早上八点到了梅龙镇,等了一个多小时才进去,领了号,163.新的签证大厅很明亮,我进去 [b]的时候所有的签证官都已经出来了,观察了一会儿,好像今天形势一般,有的被CHECK,有的被据 [b]了,当然签出来的也不少,YYMM好像没有传说中的那么tough,在她哪儿过的人也不少.两个 [b]jfmm速度都还挺快,大glassboy好想问题很多,有几个人被他问了10多分钟最后还是被据了. [b]签证官的口语都挺好懂的,说得很清楚. [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b]一个多小时以后,我的号码出现在胖jfmm的窗口,faint,去年第一次就是被她据的,希望今年 [b]悲剧不要重演.以下是我和她的对话: [b]me:morning madam,nice to meet you [b]vo:morning,how are you? [b]me:fine,thank you. [b]vo:so why do you go to usa [b]me:i go to usa for my master's degree in economics [b]vo:why economics? [b]me:blablabla..... [b]等我讲完,她指着我去年的ds156问我,"last year,you chosed osu,why your choice [b]changed this year? [b]这个问题我是重点准备过的,因为我今年换了学校,也换了专业,"coz last year,osu is [b]my best choice ,but i have a better choice this year,the program in fiu [b]fits me quite well and additionally ,they also gave me a financial aid with [b]tuition waived and a living stipend which can cover all my expense in usa [b]她点点头,不再纠缠,开始问我的专业问题"which field will you focus on" [b]me:"econometrics" [b]vo:"why econometrics,and what is econometrics?" [b]me:blablabla..... [b]vo":what is your plan? [b]me:i will come bak to shanghai and find a position in a consulting [b]company.it is a ideal place for me to apply what i have learned into the [b]business field. [b]vo:you are presently working in xxx,what is your salary? [b]me:5500/month,would u like to see my salary certification? [b]vo:no,not necessary.you have been promoted twice in xxx,why do you quit [b]your job and go to usa? [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]me:coz with my current academic background,i feel that i have already [b]reached the ceiling of myself,if i would like to get futher progress,i must [b]further my education first,that is why i chose to quit my job temporarily [b]and persue a master's degree in usa [b]vo:you can also find a job in usa after graduation [b]me:no,i will not stay in usa ,i enjoy the life here in shanghai. [b]vo笑,:have you ever been to usa? [b]me:no, [b]vo:so how do you know you will not enjoy your life in usa? [b]呵,看来刚才的回答欠考虑,现在有点被动了,连忙接着说:but in usa,it is really [b]difficult for me to achieve my career goals,if i chose to stay in usa,it [b]means that i have to struggle very very hard and compete with thousands of [b]native persons..."还没等我说完,jfmm就对我说了我这么久来最想听到的那句话k,i [b]think you are qualified,i will give you visa,pls go to window 11"然后就递给 [b]我一本书 [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b]今天感觉运气挺好的,带的资料她一样也没看,本来以为她会觉得我有移民倾向,因为我的LG在 [b]OSU,可没想到这方面的问题她一个也没问,现在想来也感到侥幸.看来今年只要是全奖,专业也 [b]不敏感的,一般都没有问题,像我这样背景复杂,硬伤多多的,都能过,各位签友请放松心情吧. [b]自信真得很重要. [b][b]要感谢的人太多了,这里不罗嗦了,这一个多月来,GTER是我最好的朋友,看了一个多月的签经, [b]真是受益匪浅,所以今天一回家就来发贴子,希望能给还没签的朋友鼓鼓劲. [b][b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b]立即咨询
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