

Thank you for your smile!

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3000的经历,其实我也无憾了,当然,我说的是对这次签证本身来说,该说的话,想说 [b]的话,都说的差不多了。但是,最终没有成功,还是很不甘心的。本来,我们想念书的,就 [b]该把精力放在专业上,学业上,现在却变成了,大量的时间、精力,甚至感情耗在了申请和 [b]签证上,真的是很荒谬!但这就是现实,我们无力改变。唉,倒在最后一关前,不知道自己 [b]是不是该认命。 [b][b] 说说经过吧。不过这次的签经很难写,因为整个过程根本不是她问一句,我答一句,却 [b]是我说一大段,她说一大段。所以双方的原话都记得有点模糊了,只能有些地方写英文,有 [b]些地方就直接写中文意思了。 [b][b] 我遇到的是短JFMM,非常情绪化,耐心也不够。甚至看到她有抱着头对签证的人叫“我 [b]不要听我不要听!”的情况出现,真是FT!不过,她虽然胖乎乎的,但其实长的挺可爱的, [b]有点象洋娃娃的感觉。 [b][b]M: Good morning madam! This is the third time I have seen you, but the [b]first time have talked to you! Nice to meet you, anyway. [b]V: 笑了一下。Nice to meet you too. Yes, as you have said this is the third [b]time to have interview, so I want to know some change! You know, I want to [b]hear the “change”! [b]M: Yes! I do have something very important to tell you^ [b]V: No! I don’t care about the important things, I want to know the [b]changes! [b]M: Yes, it is a change! Please let me finish my words. [b]V: OK. [b]M: The sevis only show my first year program, but in fact, I will take a [b]combine program for two years, called ME/MBA. First year I will major on [b]EE, just like my undergraduate major. And the second year, I will move to [b]the Business School to take MBA program. But the I-20 only shows the first [b]year major, because the sevis only allow the university put one degree and [b]one department into it one time, and the secretary sent me an email to [b]explain the situation, would you like to see it? And would you like to see [b]the instruction of this program?(把小秘的信包括介绍塞给VO)And would you [b]like to see my admission letter from these two schools? (把录取信,两封,都给 [b]她,不过她没看,我管自己说下去) This program is based on the engineering [b]study, and for the engineering students to have chances to study the [b]management skills and communication skills, and help them to be a project- [b]manager in the future career. I have taken telephone interview with the [b]professors in Business School. They are very satisfied with my [b]qualification and former experience. Otherwise I can’t get their offer. [b]And you know, I have worked for 1 year, during this time, I find in china, [b]there is few people can combine both the engineering and management [b]knowledge, and few good project-manager. But this kind of professionals are [b]very needed and very hot in the human resouce market. So if I get two [b]degrees and return to china, I will have much space to develop. [b](好象是说到这里,她打断我了,不过,我一口气也说了不少了。 ) [b]V: Madam, you make your situation worse! You know what, the first time, the [b]visa officer thought you have no sufficient money. But this time you said [b]this program is for 2 years, it’s longer time, so you should pay even much [b]more! So, I should view your bank certification angin! [b][b] 其实正中我下怀。我的资金证明,父母的收入证明,包括房产证都是无懈可击的。第一 [b]次的小GB绝对是借口罢了。而且,自从那次以后,我就把父母的收入证明开成了5年,而且把 [b]存款证明也多带了不少。 VO大致看了一下银行的存款证明,问:Where are they from? [b]M: They are from my parents! And these are their income certification.递上收 [b]入证明,不过她没看。 [b]V: But this money is not more than one year! [b] 我FT,这个VO开始说瞎话了,上面的存款有好多笔,有99年的,2001年的,2002年的, [b]当然,2003年的也有。现在的利息那么低,谁存那么久啊! [b]M:Oh, It is more than one year.然后我就指出,就她手上拿的那张美圆的证明,就有 [b]着第一次存的存根,是2001年1月存的。而且,我告诉她,2001年1月存的,2003年1月再续 [b]存的。在这张下面的一张上,有99年的,2001年的等等。全跟她解释了!这些原话我忘记 [b]了,但就这些意思。 [b]V:不吭声,也找不茬来。 [b]M: And I also bring the house property certification. [b]V:(不看!)This house is your parents’, but not yours! [b]M: But my financial support is from my parents, so I can certify we can [b]afford the study. [b]V: 想了想,不说话。不过马上说, But you pay so much money, the second time, [b]the vo did’t think you will come back. [b]M: But this program is a very good preparation for me to be a project- [b]manager in the future in China. And in fact, go to USA cost less than in [b]China! In china, if I want to pursue both the engineering and MBA degree, I [b]will take at least 5 years to study at university, and pay for 5 years [b]study but get no pay during that time. But in America, I can finish my [b]study in 2 years, then come back China to find a good job, and earn back [b]the money in 3 years. So, the same 5 years, study in USA is a better choice [b]for me, and cost less. [b]V: But***** is a big amount of money, there will be a little chance you [b]will come back! So, I have to ruse you. [b]M: That’s not surprise me! I have applied for 3 times, so I know what you [b]have said is just a pretext!!! [b]V: I can tell you the reason. A, you have no enough money…… [b]M: How can you say that? You have seen my financial certificate, it is [b]enough!!! Don’t tell me the pretext, I know your true reason. [b]这下我和VO僵持不下,都争着要说话,都不肯松口。短JFMM有点急了,放慢语速,说: [b]Please listen to me carully, I will tell you the reason! Ok? Otherwise, [b]the interview is over! [b]我笑笑,说:OK! I will listen to you! Please! [b]V: 这下她不说钱不够了。This amount of money is very big, you pay so much, [b]you won’t come back! [b]M: But I can tell you the graduate plan, and…… [b]V: No…… [b]M: Do you mean only the students get full scholarship can get the visa? You [b]shouldn't just care about who pays the money! It’s not fair!!! And I know [b]some people should even pay much more than me, but you give them the visas, [b]why? [b]V: 耸耸肩。Everyone has different situation, maybe they work for many [b]years, but you just work for one year. [b]M: But my parents pay for my fee…… [b]V:还是耸肩,说你付了那么多钱,你一定想在美国赚回来。然后还跟我说,不用来再申请 [b]了,否则申请几次句几次。还说,你知道你为什么被句那么多次吗,就是因为什么什么的, [b]就把前面的话又说了一遍。 [b][b] 然后,还很“诚恳”的跟我说,她今天已经面试了32个人了,我是时间最长的一个,她 [b]已经给了我很多最长时间陈述了。而且,她非常仔细认真的审核了我的材料,很遗憾,要句 [b]我。 [b][b] 我也懒得再说了,就跟她笑笑,说: That is ok! I will apply angin when I get [b]the full scholarship. Thank you, have a nice day. [b][b] 然后就收拾东西,这时候,短JFMM突然抬起头来,微笑了一下,说: And Thank you [b]for your smile! [b][b] 这句话倒让我有点意外了,我原来还觉得遗憾没说一句话:Just because I pay [b]much, so I will work in a place I have much space to develop. It is in [b]China! 现在看来,说不说都一样了,不是我发挥的问题了! [b][b] 现在想起来,失败的伏笔在1000的时候,小GB是存心句的,而且他句的理由,根本是睁 [b]眼说瞎话,说我钱不够,其实是够的,只是他的借口。我了解过,在他手下面试的自费的, [b]几乎全是这个理由。似乎他对自费的有很大的偏见,经常是不问plan,直接就句了!而且, [b]也正因为他没问PLAN,所以拘牵理由上,他只能写资金不够。而第二次,VO可能不满意我的 [b]归国计划,就认为是移民倾向。这下,我等于是把考察F1的两条拘牵准则,全给占了:1,钱 [b]不够;2,移民倾向。暂且不去说第2,那个1,压根就是瞎说的。非常冤枉! [b][b] 而且,他这样一来,给后面的面试造成了很坏的影响。不是短JFMM主动说出前两次的拘 [b]牵理由,我还真不知道小GB居然真的就在我的DS表上的拘牵理由上写资金问题了。怪不得 [b]BTBOY也就不看资金证明了,因为一般来说,他们是默认前一个VO是正确的,是真实的。小GB [b]这么一来,把后面VO的注意力全引向了钱的问题,给他们造成一个先入为住的印象——钱不 [b]够! [b][b] 而当短JFMM发现我的钱应该是够的时候,她还是会承认前面VO的话是真的,就会怀疑我 [b]的资金来源等等。这简直是个悖论——如果你的钱还不够,那就肯定不能给VISA了,但如果 [b]你的钱够了话,他们有觉得怎么上次不够,这次那么快就多了那么多钱了。他们是不太会去 [b]怀疑前面的VO工作的问题。 [b][b] 从这里,我也可以知道,总的来说,我自己准备的策略,没有大问题。第一次没有主动说 [b]第二年的课程是对,否则更让小GB认定没有钱了。第三次的时候主动说这个课程,起码让VO [b]觉得是个不一样的地方,也引她再看了看资金证明。否则,她还是会象BTBOY那样,省略掉看 [b]资金证明的这个工作,直接默认小GB的话。 [b][b] 另外,我觉得1000以后,的确是要主动。而且,短JFMM对我今天的确算NICE了,起码给 [b]了我那么多时间说话。其实后面的大部分时间,都是我们两个相持不下,都抢着要说,或者 [b]同时说,噼里啪啦的。虽然我亮出第二年的课程,在短JFMM看来是更糟糕,但糟糕的是资金 [b]的问题,是小GB造成的资金误会。如果,1000的时候碰的不是小GB,也许资金这一项就OK [b]了。起码,我不会把拘牵的两类理由全占掉,而且,也不会让VO一次次把注意力都放在我的 [b]资金问题上。钱够了,还怀疑一下来源。 [b][b] 真的,如果1000的时候,碰到的就是短JFMM,也许情况也会好很多,因为其实,我从她 [b]的话和表情来看,她的确也找不出我太大的毛病,只是我已经被句两次,她也找不到我太大 [b]的变化,足以把前两次全推翻!因为要把前两次都推翻,的确是要很负一定责任的,要找的 [b]出特别特别利于我的理由,这个对我来说,的确也难了。 [b][b] 2000后,我看到一句话,说是全奖的,VO只是找你的茬,找不到的话,就放过了,而自 [b]费的,就是要找亮点,如果没有亮点,就不给过。这话非常有道理。其实对于上海的VO来 [b]说,全奖的,基本是签之前就倾向放过了,而自费就难说,绝对要靠运气了,或者就是真的 [b]有什么特别的亮点。特别对于女生来说,这个性别本身就比男生更具有移民的倾向,难度就 [b]更高一点。 [b][b] 3000结束,短JFMM能跟我说那么一句Thank you for your smile,我就知道,虽然我 [b]跟她argue了半天,但总的来说,她对我本人表现的印象还是可以的,虽然最后还是句掉,但 [b]3000的本身,对于VO来说,就比其他的更倾向句了,能做到这一步,我觉得自己的发挥已经 [b]可以了。可惜,这是3000,如果是1000的话,也会好很多。所以,能给以后XDJM们借鉴的, [b]就是,要主动出击,亮出自己不一样的东西!另外,就是祈祷不要碰到小GB!立即咨询


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