


2017/03/27 09:16:02 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:266 移动端
背景; [b]深大毕业/专业English Education/申请方向Tesol / Gre:2130 IELTS 7.5 Tol597 [b](申请时用雅思成绩代替托福)/ 无奖学金 [b][b]收到Indiana Univ.的I-20是在8月5号。之后马上预约广州签证,最早的日子是8月19 [b]日。我的I-20上注明了“report to school no late than Aug. 19th”。后来给学校 [b]打过几个电话,询问关于late arrival的事情。得到的答复是没问题,需要提前联系 [b]学校office of international service和department office告知自己晚报到的时 [b]间,最好在9月前。 [b][b]------8月19日checked [b]Me: Good morning. [b]VO: Good morning. (Writing on her own with a look at me) You’re gonna to [b]USA? [b]Me: Yes, I’m going to pursue an MS degree in Education in Indiana Univ. [b](Passing her I-20) [b]VO: Ok. (Taking a glance at the form)Who’s gonna pay you? [b]Me: I myself. I’ve been working for more than 3 years. [b]VO: What’s your salary? [b]Me: More than 5000 yuan, (Passing her my bank book) [b]VO: (Looking and doing a sum of my salary for the initial two months.) [b]Have you ever been to US? [b]Me: No, never.(Curious) [b]VO: Your English is very clear. [b]Me: Thank you. (心中狂喜,想着签证应该没问题。) [b]VO:(Reading i-20 and catching something)You need to report to school no [b]later than Aug. 19? [b]Me: Yes. I’ve phoned the international service of IU and asked whether [b]late arrival is acceptable. The secretary told me it’s OK if I can manage [b]to arrive there bore September. [b]VO: Bore September? (Looking at me, doubt in me.) [b]Me: Yes. (Looking back into her eyes. I really called, no lies.) [b]VO: OK, (Faith in me) please wait. (Going to another person and talking [b]about something. Then come back) Have you any official approval for late [b]arrival? [b]Me: Sorry, no. The secretary promised me so. [b]VO: OK. I can’t issue you the visa now. (Taking out a blue note and [b]writing) You need to provide us the official approval for late arrival. [b]Also bring updated I-20 form when you come here. [b][b]之后,考虑是向学校索求official approval 还是申请延迟到春季入学。想到More [b]haste makes waste,欲速则不达,决定延迟入学。接下来一边与学校联系,一边调整 [b]自己的心态。(一直在犹豫选择留学还是选择感情,我相信这个问题即便到自己踏上 [b]飞机前的那一刻也还是找不到明确的答案的。) [b]国庆假期收到学校新的I-20,决定在月底或11月初去签。花了一个下午的时间请假在 [b]家打电话预约签证时间,好不容易三个小时后打通,却被告知我的这种情况无须再另 [b]外预约或交签证费,只要材料齐全就可随时去办理签证。自己当时拿到蓝条,怎么也 [b]没读懂,真是惭愧!) [b]当时定下10月31日的时候,只是因为是星期五,自己能够更好地请假(工作很清闲, [b]打算到临走之前再打辞职报告)。没想到那天刚好是万圣节前夕,VO们晚上有派对, [b]可能心情也很不错吧! [b][b]------10月31日 [b]Me: Nice to see you. [b]VO: Nice to see you. How are you? [b]Me: Fine. Today is Halloween. (I made a mistake here. Halloween should be [b]Nov 1st.) So happy Halloween. (Giving him the updated I-20) [b]VO: (Maybe hesitate about whether or not correct my mistake.) [b](After a while) Please wait till your name is called. [b]Me: OK. [b]VO: Come here for your visa at p.m. 3 next Monday. (Taking a red note and [b]writing) [b]Me: OK. Well, Sorry, I worked in Shenzhen. It’s hard for me (to ask for [b]leave) to come here again. Can I get my visa this afternoon? [b]VO: OK. (Answering even without a thought, and crossing something out on [b]the red note) [b]Me: Thank you. Have a nice day. [b][b]下午三点去排队,顺利拿到了签证。特别注意了签证类别是F1,红宝石当年拿到签 [b]证,也没仔细看,等踏上美立坚的国土,来到梦想中的校园后,才发现签证类别弄错 [b]了,竟然是B1。后来没少花时间把签证改过来。前车之鉴啊! [b]立即咨询


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