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(1)申请目标 [b][b]知己知彼,百战不殆,谋定而动,拿到offer. [b]1. 知己 自己的背景, 强项和弱点, //btw:没有弱点做好了呵呵; [b]申请目标包括学校专业和导师 [b]2. 知彼 喜欢用的是安斯本网站, [b]可以查看学校和专业排名,并且能连接到学校网页。从六七月份基本上可以浏览光顾各校网 [b]页,department/program有application section 有申请requirement; academic [b]section有研究方向和导师. [b]3. 定位 关键是合理, 这也许是比较头痛的一步, 因为自己怎是很难认识自己的, [b]当局者迷嘛。在不行就只好遍地撒网,分几个档次 [b]4. 选校 对于研究生来说,自己的研究方向很重要, 申请专业方向和现在方向不 [b]match的比较困难. 至少要和现在方向有密切关系。选校这点要稍微注意一下,因为录取首 [b]先 [b]是需不需要,然后才是你是否优秀outstanding. [b]5. 个人背景 [b]物理系硕士研究生 [b]GRE: below 2000 TOEFL:600 [b]GPA:本科~3.5 研究生~3.8 [b]Publication: [b]first author: 3 (SCI, IF~3.0) [b]second author: 1(SCI, IF~1.0) [b]强项: 研究背景稍强,可是很match的专业学校较少 [b]弱点: 英语太差 [b]认识到这种情况,等待offer不是很着急hehe [b] -------------------------让我们展开所有可能与不可能的翱翔 [b][b][b](2) 申请选校 [b][b]申请等级表明想去的欲望,从学校专业和导师全盘考虑的 [b]第一档次: (4) [b]Princeton (Physics, Biophysics, $55) 申请等级: ***** [b]生物物理一直是兴趣所在, 理论物理和生物物理很强,尤其生物物理。不过不喜欢研究生 [b]MIT (Material science and Engineering,$70) 申请等级: ***** [b]所作的磁性材料方向比较match [b]Harvard (Physics, Condensed matter physics, $80) 申请等级: **** [b]Stanford(Applied physics, $95) 申请等级: **** [b]这两个学校找不到很近的专业方向,为了人生完整点去申请的 [b]第二档次:(4) [b]UCSD(Physics, Biophysics, $60) 申请等级: **** [b] 生物物理很强 [b]Rice ( Applied physics, Biophysics $35) 申请等级: **** [b]和生物教授有联系 [b] Cornell(Physics, no fee) 申请等级: **** [b]condensed matter physics 较强 [b]JHU(Material science and Engineering, no fee) 申请等级: *** [b]第三档次: (3) [b] Texa-Austin(Physics, no fee) 申请等级: *** [b]以前好像对复旦物理系挺友好,现在似乎不怎样了 [b] PSU (Physics, no fee) 申请等级: *** [b] 好像发offer挺早的 [b]Univ. of Pittsburgh (Physics, no fee) 申请等级: *** [b] 嘿嘿,保底学校成功 :)) [b]这样共申请了十一所, application fee: $395 G/T交了4所学校,申请三个方向 [b]Materials (3): MIT, Stanford,, JHU [b]Biophysics (3): Princeton, UCSD, Rice [b]Condensed Matter Physics (5): Harvard, Cornell, Austin, PSU, Univ. of [b]Pittsburgh [b] -------------------------------海上生明月, 天涯共此时 [b][b][b][b](3) 申请材料 [b][b]1. GPA 越高越好, 申请时基本不能改变了. 不作讨论. [b]不过和申请结果没有必然线性关系 所以,较低的话,不要妄自菲薄, 放弃梦想. 成绩单9月份 [b]开学就可以办,注意有的学校要两份成绩单, 不防多准备些,一面再补很麻烦的 [b][b]2. G/T 不会因为G/T高而录取, 但可能因为G/T低而被拒, 好像大部分G~2200,T~620, [b]That’s enough. 各位大侠看着考吧. //btw偶是英语菜鸟,blush [b][b] 东部学校对英语要求不太高,加州西海岸学校对英语要求稍高,因为加州教育水平高,同时 [b]大陆学生可能有加州情结,水涨船高. [b][b]3. Resume 我包括如下部分: Education; Academic and Social activity; Honor [b]and Awards; Research and Publication. Contact information放在页眉处. 在一页 [b]纸内为 好 [b][b]4. Personal Statement [b]这部分很重要, It’s too important.。如合做得更好,仁者见仁,智者见智,但一定要反应 [b]你的特色character.不可过于浮夸,少用excellent, best等等. 宜多用具体的事例和证据 [b]去让别人感觉到你是比较优秀的.非你莫属的感觉.Concise and substantial [b]information! 可以从现在就构思布局,反复改了不下七八次。有的学校还会让你在PS你回 [b]答 [b]一些问题,灵活把握吧。我的PS主要介绍了自己的研究背景和为什么申请这个学校专业 [b]1)Research experience in the Magnetic Materials; [b]主要强调自己的研究背景,介绍研究内容和体会,甚至不妨别人的评价,无非证明自己怎样怎 [b]样 [b]能作研究拉~~ [b]2)Why do I apply Department of Materials Science and Engineering [b]申请自然有原因的拉,尽量如实说,当然不要忘了包装 [b][b]5. Recommendation Letter [b] 最好早点预约联系,因为到时很多老师不一定在校和学校,找人毕竟很麻烦. [b] 老师自己写自然更好,自己写的话,可以用excellent, one of the best, 经常问问题拉, [b]很有科研潜力,甚至让自己都不可忍受等等呵呵。放到大信封里,塞道信箱, 等候邮递员叔叔 [b]处理吧。平信通常两周到达,不过我的大部分好像一个月才到。有钱当然就快寄吧, 放血. - [b]--------------------------那些日子我们准备飞翔, 寄走了材料,留下了遗憾 [b][b][b][b][b](4) PS [b][b]Research experience in the Magnetic Materials [b][b]As a joint graduate student, my supervisors are Prof. *** in theory and [b]Prof.*** in experiment. They provide me a diverse and active academic [b]environment in the condensed matter physics, especially magnetic [b]materials. [b]And now I have published three *** papers. The ideas and evaluations of [b]these three papers are brily introduced as following, respectively. [b][b]An intrinsic mechanism of antiferromagnetic domain was presented [1]. The [b]original idea of the long range dipolar interaction, came from my previous [b]failed research in the dipolar liquid crystal. The key point was appraised [b]as a smart idea by **, and this work was also appreciated by ***. [b]Furthermore, as soon as it was published, Prof. *** sent an email for the [b]potential link with the underdoped superconductivity materials. [b][b]A phenomenal theory of exchange bias mechanism was suggested [2]. The idea [b]was derived from my surprise of low Neel temperature about 50K in all the [b]positive exchange bias. And exchange bias is applied in the magnetic [b]record [b]medium. Prof. *** gave a high praise for this paper in the email. [b][b]"Spin crystal" as a theoretical prediction was proposed [3]. This idea was [b]fostered for about two years. Study of periodic medium is interesting. In [b]May 1999 as a junior student, I was impressed by the creative idea [b]of "photon crystal" in the periodic dielectric medium. In December 2000, [b]inspired by the acoustic crystal paper in the science journal, I asked [b]myself a natural question in the mind: What will come out for the spin [b]wave in the periodic system? Also does the gap exist? In April 2001, [b]thinking over the anisotropy in multilayer, I obtained the original idea [b]to propose the "spin crystal". These results could be verified by the [b]future experiments. Besides the major magnetic materials, I researched the [b]stripe phase in superconductivity materials [4], and studied nanomagnetic [b]clusters and "lt-hand" electromagnetic wave materials. [b][b]My particular research interest is the Magnetic Materials I am intrigued [b]by materials, because the diverse and novel properties of materials can [b]be explained by a few basic physics law. The magnetoresistance has the [b]successful applications to information storage. Spin electronics in [b]magnetic system becomes an emerging field. Spin coherence is also [b]potential [b]to perform quantum computation in solid state devices. Also miscellaneous [b]interests are biomaterials and polymer materials. [b][b]My longer-term academic goal is to be a faculty memberSimply for the [b]reason that I enjoy myself while researching. Research provides the [b]excitement to find the questions. Research offers the freedom and [b]joviality to think the questions. Research satisfies my curious mind about [b]the nature. Moreover, research is full of the unknown challenge, which I [b]like as the exploration tour. [b] [b]Why do I apply DMSE in ***?Magnetic materials program support my [b]particular [b]interest. Antiferromagnetic domain [1] is related the magnetic domain [b]investigated by Prof. *** Exchange bias [2].is linked with magnetic [b]materials recording for data storage applications studied by Prof. ***. [b]Periodic medium paper [3] is connected to photonic crystal researched by [b]Prof. *** [b][b]So I decide to apply your famous and top DMSE in ***. [b]----------------------------------------------------------------- [b][1]. Rooph et al. [b][2]. Rooph et al. [b][3]. Rooph et al. [b][4]. ***, rooph, et al., [b][b][b][b](5) 申请致谢 [b][b]在此仅列出申请中直接帮助的同学. 感谢cnyn先走一步的经验, 感谢physics一道申请.感 [b]谢 [b]torlin的热心帮忙, 和Goabroad的其他版友,虽然自己不喜欢发文, 彼此相互不认识, 但你 [b]们的很多文章最起码解决了很多申请中困惑的问题,水文也是很有意思的哟: )).同时感谢师 [b]兄姐lbbg, maser, Tangdaynasty在精华区中的精彩文章. 申请劣作权当对出国版的反 [b]馈. [b]At last [b] -------------------------Wish all good luck in future! [b]立即咨询


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