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sh f1 1000 rejected

2017/03/27 09:15:24 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:323 移动端
上海梅隆镇 F1 自费 MASTER,1000被拒,只准备一年的费用 [b][b]早上8点多开始放人,检查护照,进入签证大厅后领号,然后按号交表,开始漫长的等 [b]待。 [b]VO是大概9点上班,9点10分左右才开第一个窗口,4号BT BOY,然后陆续是6号长 [b]JFMM,7号一个不戴眼镜的男VO,5号可能是短JF,没看到,8号大GB(不知道是不是, [b]挺老的),9号小GB。现在签F1很少,只碰到一个去TULANE读ECE PHD全奖的哥们。应 [b]该在我后面签,不知道有没有过。商务签证很多,过的也很多。 [b][b]11点左右,111号,6号窗口 [b]ME:How are you? [b]VO:How are you. So you will study your master degree in US. [b]ME: Yes, I will pursue the master degree in university of XXX with the [b]concentration of XXXX [b]VO: Why university of xxx [b]ME: It’s IE program has a top 20 rank and I am very interested in the XXX [b]research center there, I take the instruction about the center, Would you [b]like to look at it? [b]VO: OK (接过,快速扫描,并打字) [b]VO:what’s your plan after graduation? [b]ME: my purpose of studying in us is to advance my career. After graduation [b]I will come back to china, engaging in the XXX. [b](JF 没吭声,打字,我继续说) [b]It is a fact that china is the manufacturing center in the world….被打断 [b]VO: how many schools have you applied? [b]ME: 8 [b]VO: how many admitted you [b]ME:XXX [b]VO: how long have you worked in XXX [b]ME: 5 years [b]VO: what’s your current salary [b]ME: 5000/month plus commission [b]VO: what does your father do? [b]ME: he is an engineer and he has 20 years working experiences, here are [b]his certificate of income and mine. [b]VO: (主动递进去,接过,在DS 表上写) I am sorry I am issue you the [b]visa@@##$$@$@%#%# [b]手起章落,我还没有来的及多解释,但我知道已经没有用了,很平静地问 [b]Could you tell me the reason? [b]VO: !@@##$#$%#$%#$%#速度极快的英语,大意是说,今天很多人,我不可能有时间解 [b]释原因,扔出一张纸,在“You can’t convince VO you have adequate financial [b]resources for your proposed study” 前画个圈 [b]ME: (傻傻问一句)May I apply for the visa again? [b]VO: No problem [b]ME: thank you [b]一年的努力在这短短的3,4分钟时间内全部结束,非常残酷也非常现实,我一时也找 [b]不出更加具体的理由来解释为什么会被拒签。我能很有逻辑地和她说明我一定会回 [b]来,但我知道资金是一个很大的问题,即使我和父亲的工作证明上的收入可以COVER3 [b]到4年的费用,但她不会相信我花了那么多存款后会回来!这是自费的硬伤,况且她也 [b]不给我任何机会解释。或许我可以更加主动一点,但真的没有时间。 [b]感谢在这条路上帮助过我的朋友UCC和小朱,兔子,LAURA,ODDPA等,无话,BOW! [b]明天会是新的一天!立即咨询


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