

Stanford 对GRE / TOEFL/ GPA的要求

2017/03/27 09:15:24 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:165 移动端
from email of Stanford University @ Dept. of Political Science [b][b]After you submit the application fee, the dept will automatically send you [b]an email. Here is the information from that email. I believe some schools [b]will also send you guys emails about the requirement of the dept. Looking [b]forward from your sharing! [b][b]**************************************************************************** [b]** [b][b]Graduate Record Exam (GRE) [b]All applicants are required to take the GRE. This is a University [b]requirement and cannot be waived. All scores must be sent electronically by [b]Educational Testing Service (ETS) to Stanford University (institution code [b]4704). We do not require the Political Science subject test. [b][b]On October 1, 2002, a new version of the GRE was introduced. We will accept [b]scores from either version and do not rate one more highly than the other. [b]Test scores of domestic and international applicants are evaluated in the [b]same manner with no distinctions. Provided that the computer-based GRE was [b]taken in the last 5 years, we will continue to accept these official scores [b]from applicants whose country, e.g. China, now offer only the paper-based [b]test. GRE scores are valid for 5 years in either of the two formats. [b][b]There are no minimum GRE scores required. Typically applicants who are [b]admitted have very high scores. Last year the combined average score for [b]applicants offered admission was 2143 (1443 with an analytic writing score [b]of 5.6 if taking the new test). [b][b]Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) [b]International applicants are required to take the TOEFL in addition to the [b]GRE. All scores must be sent electronically by ETS to Stanford University [b](institution code 4704). Students who have completed a 2 year masters [b]degree program or a bachelors program in a country where English is the [b]primary language or the language of instruction may be exempt from the [b]TOEFL. If required, scores must be submitted from a test taken within the [b]last 18 months. [b][b]A minimum score of 600 (or 250 on the computerized test) is required for [b]admission. The average TOEFL score for applicants successfully admitted to [b]our program in previous years was 640. [b][b]What are my chances of being admitted? [b]Only students who appear to have the aptitude and qualities to successfully [b]complete the Ph.D. program are admitted. Last year, the Department of [b]Political Science received 393 applicants and offered admission to 35 [b]students. There are no strict rules for decisions on admitting students. An [b]admission committee comprised of faculty and a doctoral student review each [b]application, considering academic background, preparation in Political [b]Science, test scores, writing ability, and "fit" with the department. [b]Students who are admitted typically have very strong test scores, a GPA of [b]at least 3.5 and academic interests which "fit" with the department faculty. [b]立即咨询
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