


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:36 移动端
6月9日1000,死在DTT手下.在回家的路上,车里用手机约了2000,19号102号. [b][b] 上午大约8:10到,已经叫到130号,没犹豫,立刻进去. 签证处大概有二三十人的样子,排队,领 [b]到深灰色的牌子. 等候,去洗手间喝水. 8点30左右,签证官就到了,美男确实很ss,hfmm没有 [b]我想像中的pp.(1000时没看见她).美 男,hfmm,dtt分别占据了7,8,9号窗口,从我等候的地 [b]方刚好看的到他们,几个人在说笑,感 觉他们心情还好. 这时,保安把我们深灰色牌子的一队 [b]人领到了4号窗口,我们是第一队站到VO面前的.4号V O,不知道是谁,穿西装,淡黄衬衣,比较 [b]年轻. 先上去的是一对老夫妇,探亲,过了.感觉VO对老年人态度还挺好的. 第二个上去的是一 [b]个GG,似乎学管理的.GG大声说:我要回来做教授!大约5分钟,VO把护照 推了出来.我的心也跟 [b]着沉了一下.GG还不走,在窗口继续说,这是我的论文,这是我项目的 照片....又僵持了将近一 [b]分钟,VO招手叫保安过来.早上保安态度也比较好,还拍拍这个G G的肩膀,以示安慰.但我心情 [b]还是很沉重. [b][b]接着VO叫到我的名字. [b]me: morning, Sir. Nice to see you. [b]vo: morning, card? [b]vo: why you go to US? [b]me: I am going to study political science at the ASU. [b]vo: what will you with your degree? [b]me: do you ask my plan after graduation? [b]vo: 非常干脆,yeah, your plan after graduation. [b]me: I want to come back......Sir, bore I answer your question, could you [b]g ive me half a minute to say sth else? [b]vo: just answer the question. [b]me: 不理睬VO,开始说 You know, this is my second time to apply for an F1 [b]visa and maybe it's last time..... [b]vo: 打断我,但没听明白他的话...%^&*#@ [b]me: Bore I came here, a friend told me that I should not insist on my [b]plan of being a professor. (VO不说话了,看着我的眼睛认真听,我也看着他的眼睛) He [b]told me that if I insist on the former plan, I would be rused again. [b]Because you diplomats won't believe such a plan any more. [b]vo: 再次打算我,但我知道此时他在宣讲美国签证政策,大致意思是我们没有这样,我们只 是 [b]要申请人很具体详细的阐述他的计划.我们不会听见"教授"就做判断.我们要根据你的 详细计 [b]划来判断.... [b]me: 打断VO. yes! you know, he almost conviced me! But last evening, I read [b]something Mr.....sorry, a Sir(因为想不起来在SOHU访谈的VO的名字了,只好换说SIR, [b]不过后来听说,19日的4号VO就是去SOHU聊天的那个) said in SOHU.COM. Now I believe [b]you are just and won't have any bias to any plan. [b]VO: yes! 我们只是要申请人讲真话.(原文不记得了,就是这意思). [b]me: So this time I will insist on my plan of being a professor. I just hope [b]you can give me a little more time to fully express myself. [b]VO: OK.看我的眼睛. [b]me: After graduation, I want to be a teacher of MPA students. You know MPA [b]is a new program in political science and just have two years' history in [b]Chi na. Most MPA students are goernment officials. Do you know how many [b]officia ls in China? (打算拿具体的资料来说明MPA培训市场很大). [b]VO: I don't want that. Tell me if you can do the job. [b]me: I can. I will focus my study on.... [b]vo: Do you have any experience on the teaching of MPA? [b]me: Sure, I do have. I was a teaching assistant of MPA course on my [b]graduate time. and when in ASU, I will be a TA. [b]vo: did you talked your plan to someone? [b]me: yes. I talked to my supervisor and here is his support letter. [b]vo: and your GT. [b]me:于是将GT, SL一起递进去.VO仔细的看了看SL. [b]me: you know, I will study the methodology in ASU. So when I come back, I [b]can teach the course of quantitative analysis methods, which is a required [b]cou [b]rse to ALL MPA students. (递进去MPA的课程说明) [b]VO: 看了两眼. how many universities in China have the program of MPA? [b]me: 24.递进去教育部关于MPA的说明,我把24所大学highlight出来. [b]VO:开始看计算机.how many persons enrolled in your program this year? [b]me: the MPA program belongs to the school of government. This year we [b]enrolled three new faculty. You know, in the coming ten years, we will keep [b]on expand the School of Government and the faculty will reach to 70. [b]VO:点头,敲电脑. [b]me: 塞进我们学院教工的list. you know, last time I told the diplomat that the [b]re are 40 teachers in my department. Actually, there are 40 teachers in my [b]S chool. Only 15 teachers are in my department. Last time I was a little [b]nervo us and made a mistake. [b]VO:真的是认真的看了两眼我的LIST.然后微笑点头,继续敲机器.then why don't study [b]in China university? [b]me: I wish I could. But no China universities can provide me a program [b]empha sis on the methodology of political science. You can see the faculty [b]list of my school, only my supervisor's interest field is methodology. So I [b]want to study in US. Then when I come back, maybe I am the second person [b]focus on the methodology. [b]VO: 看我的DS表,忽然发现一个问题.It's nonsense. You said there is no [b]professor fosue on this field, then who teaches the course of methodology [b]for MPA students? [b]me: As far as I knew, this course are usually taken by teachers from the [b]dep artment of economics. We invited them. You see, we really in need of [b]teacher s focus on methodology of political science. [b][b]面试过程结束了,VO看DS表,我看到了上一次的DS表.....结果先不说了,我也觉得,签经先 不 [b]说结果为好.如果你是VO,我能过么?立即咨询
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