

F2 上海210 1K PASS

2017/03/27 09:13:26 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:301 移动端
早上7:30起床,洗淑打扮,抹了点化装品,系上领带,带上充足的材料,感觉很帅的 [b]样子就出发了。大约9:30样子到了梅龙镇广场,看见好多人在下面排队。每次上去10 [b]个人。一个客气的大姐来了说不能带包和手机入场,于是花了10元寄存费。到了10:30 [b]才有幸到了8楼,心想这下快了吧。“哇,好多人”。上百人已在大厅等候。先安检查 [b]入场,和机场差不多。领了号(304)然后在1号窗口交了I-20表格(I-20表格上空的 [b]不许空白填上’无‘和’NO‘),结婚证原件,上海暂住证和个人简历(英文版 [b]的)。我就找了个座位坐下。我发现共有:11个窗,No. 3-10是签证官面试,11号领 [b]签证。号码是不按顺序叫的,我一直等到12:30左右。最后到了7号窗口,是个LADY。 [b]ME: how are you doing? [b]VO: fine. how are you? [b]ME: Here is my No. [b]VO: No, I dont need this. [b]VO: When did ur wife go to USA? [b]ME: July, Last year [b]VO: When did you get married? [b]ME: June, last year [b]VO: have your wife ever been back to see you? [b]Me: No [b]VO: Why didnot she come back to see you? [b]Me: Well, She is very busy, you know, her major is oral biology. I am also [b]busy too. [b]VO: where did you get to know? [b]Me: Chengdu, at english corner , almost 4 years ago. [b]VO: Okay, Do you have any wedding photoes? [b]I take out one photo album and show to her:( 婚纱照) [b]VO: No, I dont need to look at this. [b]I take out another photo album at the wedding day and give it to her. She [b]turns and have a look. [b]She looks up at me and see a lot of materials I get prepared. [b]Me: Here is my name card. [b]VO: No, I dont need it. your english is very good. wait for your visa at [b]No. 11 counter. [b][b]这样我就拿到了F2签证,据说今天估计有3成申请者被锯。 感谢我的妻子为我准备了 [b]足够的材料和给予我的信心,感谢GTER和各位热心的朋友。my QQ is 29372104, 欢迎 [b]交流。You never know what you can do until you try! [b][b]立即咨询


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