

成都2k F1 强烈argue下pass

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:247 移动端
背景:小本 工作一年 去读生化 全奖 [b]今天只有terry一个人签,上次就是在他手里面被据的。今天形势照常,Terry拒掉了一 [b]个工作一年的mm,这是他的一贯作分。我交了i20, dsform,offer,Gtscore,成绩 [b]单,学位证书。到了念我的名字的时候,上去。 [b][b]Me:Nice to meet you again,Terry. [b]Vo:(smile,常常笑着据你,警惕)nice to meet u. how are you? [b]Me: Fine. [b]Vo:so you work in the ***, one year(要据你的表现)我立刻打断Terry说话。 [b]Me: yes I know that u may say one year is not enough I need more笑,反正是 [b]死,不想再听他说这种话。 [b]Vo: What do you teach? [b]Me: biochemistry敏感专业,我希望能被check也不错。 [b]Vo:(我之前交了i20, dsform,offer,Gtscore,成绩单,学位证书)继续看我的材 [b]料,推出了Gtscore和offer,让我打开成绩单,看了估计觉得不错就推出来了给我,没 [b]问问题。 [b]Me:感觉terry从来不在乎你的gre tol成绩,看着他在dsform上面化圈圈。 [b]Vo: (笑)Tell me why will u come back ?(一针见血) [b]Me: I can give you 2 reasons. Fist, I work in the *** which belong to the × [b]××univ. I am a teacher there and get a couple of thousand each month. So [b]I need to purse a higher degree to get a position in the ×××univ and [b]become the faculty member. I will get much more paid when I come back. [b]Beside, *** willing to be my recommendor to the ×××univ when I get the [b]degree没说完,terry摇头把我打断. [b]Vo: (笑)Imagine when u come back u earn 8000 per month, but it’s 900usd, [b]in us u can earn much more than that. 摇头 sorry I don’t believe 感觉要被拒 [b]了,立刻打断他的话。 [b]Me: I know what u mean but I have another reason that I will come back [b]Vo: 愿意听下去,看着我。 [b]Me:最后的机会了,大声argue I went to college in Beijing, I got an offer [b]from ???univ but I withdraw the offer and come back to Chengdu. At that [b]time I thought I could find a decent job and live a happy life in chengdu. [b](真实情况,当时确实不想去美国了,就把offer都据了,现在要去的是另外一所) [b]Becos of my working expereince, I find that I need to get a higher degree [b]to live a decent life here. What is why I decide to go to us. Would u like [b]to see my offer letter from the ???univ? [b]Vo:非常感兴趣of course. [b]Me: 递上offerletter 和withdraw offer letter,我感觉到他已经改变初衷了,心里 [b]暗自高兴! [b]Vo:Why this univ? [b]Me:the recommendation of a returnee from the univ when I did my graduation [b]thesis in CAS in Beijing he was one of my thesis direction he introduce the [b]univ to me.看着他在笑(上次他据我也是笑着突然就据了,我都来不及反应,不过这 [b]次我觉得他会让我过了) [b]Vo:Ok I will give u the visa this time but come back to visit yr parents [b]one time during study. [b]Me:Yes。 And I promises that I will come back to China .Thank u我的确想着是 [b]要回来的。把自己的祖国建设的更加强大! [b][b]说说今天成都的情形: 探亲的基本上能过。f1 很少10个以内,感觉过了不到一半,其 [b]中包括check。下午领签证的时候有探亲过的人说f1只过了2个,不包括check,我不太 [b]相信。工作一年的就算你其他条件再好,如果理由不特别,更本不可能在Terry收下 [b]过,说什么sl 基本没用,Terry 不看这个。 [b][b]我学生化没有被check十分开心,签完后第一次和朋友去了旁边的仁和春天,那叫一个 [b]贵,他去买了东西,所以我也沾光!立即咨询


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