

6.18 bj check Bio OSU

2017/03/27 09:13:26 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:293 移动端
约的八点45,8点50进,11点20才出。准备的材料只看了Offer letter,其它都没要。 [b][b]问题; [b]1. 你去OSU读书? [b]2. Why? [b]3. What will you after graduation? [b]4. Do you know how many people apply for this position each year? [b]5. Who is you futhure advisor? [b]6. Do you have the offer letter? [b]7. What kind of research will you do in OSU? [b]You are qualified, but---checked. [b][b]不过出来后才发觉没有要我的成绩单和Publication,不知为何? [b]祝大家都顺利!立即咨询


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