

成都21号1000过! Terry!

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:373 移动端
先说说我的背景: [b][b]大四本科应届毕业生(一般本科), 去读教育技术PHD, 全奖. 2002年申请去TEXAS [b]AUSTIN as a transfer student 被句过两次. 1998年作为交换学生去过美国。 [b][b]大致情况如此, 签之前已经作好了被句的思想准备。 因为传闻成都的签证官推行工作 [b]经验政策, 很多全奖的学生都因为这个理由而被句签了。我希望我的CASE可以对没有工 [b]作经验的签友有所帮助和鼓励! [b][b]我是约的下午一点那一班的, 结果数来数去就我一个F1, 其他都是商务, 探亲和夏令营 [b]的一大群小朋友呵呵! 我排在第三个, 1:00整放人进去, 查看身份证和护照, 登记, 去 [b]使馆外的一个窗口验证DS表上的照片和护照上的照片, 都检查的很仔细, 之后才可以进 [b]入使馆。收身份证的那个GG很NICE, 我两次通过安检都发出了很刺耳的声音, 自己着急 [b]起来了, 还问是不是因为带的手表的原因, 那GG说没关系没关系就给我别了个蓝卡片 [b](NO.3)让我进去了, 还对我微笑呵呵。进了签证大厅, 发现比两年前改进很多, 放了几 [b]排板凳(两年前我去签证的时候都还没有,所有人只能站着等,很累很累)。 坐着等了一 [b]会, 中秘就开始收材料了。 我递交的材料有: 收据, I-20, AD, OFFER LETTER, [b]TOEFL, GRE ^^ 之后又是坐着等. 还是有点紧张的, 几个探亲的阿姨叔叔和我聊了会 [b]天, 感觉轻松了很多! 正式签的时候一点也不紧张, 心态很平和! [b][b]1:45的时候Terry出现在三号窗口, 叫了一个探亲的, 纠缠了半天把她句了. 这时候Ben [b]也来了,在二号窗口. YYMM估计真的是去出差了, 没见人影. Terry叫了第二个名字, 是 [b]个去夏令营的小妹妹, 一会儿就过了, 夏令营的都不会怎么为难! 然后Terry又叫了第 [b]三个名字, 我没听清楚, 但觉得好象有点像, 就站了起来自言自语:是我吗? Terry又叫 [b]了一遍, 我才听了个清楚呵呵, 连忙抱着材料走了上去........一开始就比较搞笑呵 [b]呵.....下面是我的签证过程. [b][b]me: Good afternoon, sir. Nice to meet you!(微笑) [b]Terry: nice to meet you too! how are you? [b]me: fine thanks and you? [b]Terry: fine! [b]me: may I put my finger on this? (按手印) [b]Terry: yes please [b]然后我马上把右手食指放了上去, 停了一秒钟, 就拿开又放左手食指, 然后很快拿开. [b]Terry就笑了说这样不行要重来, 然后我又把右手食指放上去, 停了几秒钟呵呵, 可是 [b]还是没有留上去. terry就用中文对我说: 右手食指, 多放一会儿才行...晕死了,按个 [b]手印就折腾了半天! 不过terry很NICE很耐心, 还一直微笑, 一开始就感觉气氛很好呵 [b]呵. 终于把手印留好了. [b]Terry: okay...en...他翻到我护照的最后一页指着两个黑章对我说you are rused [b]twice in june and july in 2002, why? [b]me: yeah, i was rused twice that year. I was applying as a transfer [b]student to pursue the bachelor in... but now i find that the undergraduate [b]studies in China is really important for me to fix my goal and find my real [b]interest of field of study... [b]Terry: you went to america in 1998, why and what for? [b]me: because i was a very excellent student when i was in high school, so [b]i was chosen to go to america as an exchanged student to study and visit [b]there. (smile) [b]Terry: 指着我的I-20上的major和school问我 so why do you choose this [b]university and this major? [b]me: blablabla (夸学校专业排名和专业与我的理想的一致性) 因为每个人的都不同,这 [b]里具体的就不写出来了. [b]Terry: so this university is not the one you applied in 2002? [b]me: no...not the same. i applied for TEXAS AUSTIN in 2002. [b]Terry: so how did you know your current university? [b]me: a former student of mine who is now pursuing her phd there introduced [b]this university to me! she even introduced the major and professor to me, [b]so i got to know this program is what i am for! 还谈了一下和导师的联系,他的 [b]名字云云。 [b]Terry中间不停地在我的I-20上划,也看不懂写些什么。 [b]Terry: what will you do after you graduate studies? [b]我听成了what will you do in your graduate studies结果就答要跟导师怎么研究什 [b]么的,结果被TERRY打断, 又重复了一遍他的问题, 汗! [b]me: i'll come back to serve as an instructor in........,blablabla... i want [b]to be a profressor researching on this field...blablabla [b]Terry: how did you know this institution [b]me: i live in chengdu bore i was 18, i am very familiar with chengdu [b]universities [b]Terry: how did you know this program [b]me: a friend of my dad introduced the professor of this program to me, [b]therore i got to know it. and we have signed up a contract, would you [b]like to see it? [b]Terry: yes [b]拿过去看得很仔细, 又递给我, 然后又在I-20上面划, 我也不知道该说什么, 突然 [b]Terry: you are born in 绵阳 用中文说的绵羊, FAINT死了! 我根本不知道他在说什 [b]么! 只好PARDON, 然后他又说绵阳! 我估计他在联系普通话呵呵, 然后我就笑了, 说: [b]yeah, it's a beautiful city! [b]Terry: do you have any family members in america? [b]me: no! not! my family are here in chengdu! [b]Terry: give me your transcript! [b]我拿出封了口的transcript问: may I open it for you? [b]Terry: yeah please! [b]我把transcript递给他, FAINT! TERRY看得好仔细好仔细, 不过我本科成绩很优秀的 [b]说, 所以也很得意, 趁他认真看的时候就说: you see, i am a very excellent [b]student in my university! what do you think? 结果没料到他来了句: but it [b]seems that you are not interested in western music history! 我的老天, 他看得 [b]太仔细了,这是我的一门选修课, 刚刚及格的分数! 我马上说: oh...i am very [b]interested in western music i listen to them very often. TERRY 又笑了还很开 [b]心的样子! (嘿嘿有点坏, 习惯于抓别人的弱点) 然后又指着transcript对我说: you [b]also study french? [b]me: yes, french is my second language! (smile) [b]Terry把transcript给我后又不吭声了,I-20被他写得满满的还在找空空划, 汗! 我就好 [b]小心的问了句: sir, would you give me the visa? [b]结果....你们能料到他怎么说吗? 他居然来了句: what do you think ?(和我问他看我 [b]成绩单的感觉是一模一样,腔调都一样), 我就笑着说: i think i am very qualified [b]to get the visa. [b]Terry: really? you are very confident ^^ [b]me: yeah :) because a promise is a promise. I've promised to you that i [b]will come back, then i will ! (也不知道怎么冒句这个出来嘿嘿) [b]Terry: really? but things are always the other round [b]Terry 敲键盘, 折I-20.......嘿嘿,我就知道过了 [b]Terry: okay, i'll give you the visa today! [b]me: you've made a good decision! [b]Terry这下乐惨了,嘴巴都笑开了,边笑边说really? I hope i could see you come [b]back. [b]me: Okay, let's keep in contact [b]Terry: well..come back to visit your parents during your study [b]me: i will! [b]最后把白条和封好的I-20给我, 我一激动又补了句: Thanks! you've made a good [b]decision! [b][b]感觉和Terry交谈了很多, 他问得很仔细也很认真, 人也很NICE很友好,总是笑呵呵。 [b]总得来说交谈是非常愉快的, 因为我们一直都有说有笑, 我并不觉得他问我那么多问题 [b]很难缠什么的, 而是以一种跟朋友聊天的形式用诚恳的态度回答, 就像在英语角碰到了 [b]一个朋友呵呵。我挺感激他的, 让我有机会充分地表现自己, 而不像两年前, 没说两句 [b]就被拒。立即咨询


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