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2017/03/27 09:13:26 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:469 移动端
个人背景:有工作经验,去美国读MASTER。 [b][b]6.30一早,大雨倾盆,我7:00起床,看看窗外,有些无奈和担心。我约的是9:00。 [b]8:00出发,街上根本找不到出租车,只有坐公交车。可是公交车就象老爷车一样慢慢 [b]悠悠。好容易摇到领事馆路,已经9:00了。我本以为今天的人可能不多,因为雨实在 [b]太大。出忽我意料的是,人还是很多。听说很多人7:30就到了。我直接冲到武警面 [b]前,问9:00的开始了吗,还好我刚刚赶上。下面是整个签证的过程: [b][b]1.先由门口的武警检查护照和身份证,然后到大门口的窗口检查表格,照片和收据(表 [b]格这时候不收,会还给你,检查人员只拿走一联收据,还给你一联)。 [b][b]2.然后进门,武警会让你将额头对准仪器,测量体温。没有问题的话,安检,寄存包, [b]武警会留下你的身份证,给你一个挂牌,挂在上衣上。(出门的时候你拿挂牌换身份 [b]证,如果寄存包,还会另外给一个牌) [b][b]3.然后进到院里,把雨伞放在门外,进入签证厅。我9:00多进去,里面还有很多8:30 [b]那以批的没签。进入大厅后先将表格交给中秘。到座位上等VO叫你的名字。大厅可能只 [b]有50平方米,只有一个武警。有饮水机。 [b][b]今天只有BEN和TERRY.因为我昨天看了一篇有关BEN的帖子,所以很希望遇到的是TERRY [b]而不是BEN.一直看的很仔细。有一位老妈妈因为资料没有带全,所以被BEN据了,可是 [b]她一直说咨询的时候没有说要BEN说的资料,后来武警把她带走了。(当时我一下很辛 [b]酸,想想我的老爸老妈有一天也会来签证,哎,中国什么时候才能强大起来。)刚开始 [b]是BEN 在签F1,TERRY签探亲,后来TERRY也开始签F1了。旁边有一个MM对我说BEN现在签 [b]的是以个9:00以后的GG,我一下紧张起来。结果那个GG被局了。然后BEN叫了我的名字 [b](很标准的国语),我吸了口气,抱着一堆资料上了。(大概是10:00左右吧) [b][b]m:good morning,nice to meet you.(本来想开个小玩笑,可是BEN回答得太快,没来得 [b]及出口) [b]ben:nice to meet you too. [b]开始的时候,他让我按指纹,结果很不顺利,左右都试了好几次,BEN 很耐心,倒是我 [b]很不好意思。 [b]me:i am sorry. [b]ben:that's ok.在来一次。 [b]ben:what do you do now? [b]me: i work in a bank [b]ben:how long have you been working for the company? [b]me:nearlly...years. [b]ben:what's your duties? [b]me:blabla... [b]ben:..what do you think of the trade relationship between china and usa? [b]me:(ft,我怎么也没想到他会问我这样的问题)。。。i think pretty good. [b]ben:how do you know? [b]me:because our business volumes increase. [b]ben:....(没听清,大概是指中国的对外贸易政策不公) [b]me: ....you mean customs? ok, maybe. but it is getting better and better, [b]since china has already entered wto. [b]ben:(laugh....)你不认为人民币不升值对其他国家很不公平吗? [b]me:(faint to death)...to be honest, yes. [b]ben:haha [b]ben:who will support your study? [b]me:the financial aid the university offers me covers more than 90pct of the [b]estimated cost of an academic year, and i do have some personal savings.do [b]you want to see my banking certificate? [b]ben:no,you work in a bank ,i trust you. [b]ben:what's your future plan? [b]me: i will go back to china ,probably chengdu, and find a higher paid job [b]in a bank. [b]ben:that's it? [b]me:发呆,yes. [b]ben:i mean what do you want to do.... [b]我们在这个问题上纠缠了很长时间,我一直不明白他是问我具体想作银行哪个部门的工 [b]作。我被问了好几次,已经有些很不耐烦了 [b]me:i already told you that i will dinately go back to china and..... [b]ben:no... i am trying to help you,if you can not be specific,then i can not [b]give you the visa. [b]me(紧张)well, i will find a job primarily about international business. [b]ben: what international business? [b]me:international trade settlement,trade finance,management,.......and [b]maketing. [b]ben:一听到marketing,他就乐了。 [b]me:because customers are very important to a bank. [b]开始折i-20,我终于可以松口气了 [b]ben:do people ...money in your bank? [b]me:(又没听清,紧张,好像是lend money)lend money? [b]ben:no.....wash money. [b]me:(晕死掉了,洗钱?)........no,dinitely not. [b]ben:how do you know? [b]me:because...(不知道怎么说,着急阿)can i speak chinese? [b]ben:no,i am just asking. [b]me..........(最傻的回答)if they want to ...money in my bank,they won't [b]tell me. [b]ben:hahahaha,so, they don't wash money in your bank.(递给我一个信封,什么也 [b]没说,没有护照没有白条,我很傻,很茫然的看这他)open it yourself. [b]打开,哇,有白条,开心死了。 [b]me:thank you very much. [b][b]整个过程都觉得自己傻傻的,很多问题回答得结结巴巴,自己有的时候觉得很着急,不 [b]过感觉BEN好象一直很开心。可能他觉得我比较老实吧。 [b][b]其实我觉得大家应该理解签证官,每天有那么多人签证,他们几乎没有时间喘息.所以我 [b]觉得重要的是真诚,不要让整个过程太严肃,轻松一点,对大家都好.还有就是要自信.相 [b]信you are the best. [b][b]最后谢谢爸爸妈妈,谢谢BF,谢谢所有的VISA友!立即咨询


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