


2017/03/27 09:05:56 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:377 移动端
为了感谢水木清华对我签证的帮助,在此奉上我的签经,以供参考! 我约的中午12:30,结果12:00就放人了。我觉得还是这个时间比较好,早点到,人少。等我面试完再一看,后面已是黑压压一片了。交完材料,采集完指纹,就在大厅里等着,等面试开始时,已经1:00了。我所在的5号窗口是一个头有点秃、戴眼睛的中年VO,表情严峻。我排在第二个。前面是一个6、7岁的小孩去美国找父母,爷爷带去签的。结果因为父母没有回国来接他,被句了。然后就叫了我的名字。 me:Hello, sir, nice to meet you!VO:nice to meet you!me:Here is your card.(递给他橘红色的牌)VO:what are you going to do in USA?me:I want to go to USA as an international visiting research scholar in university of xxx.VO:what's your research project?me:I'll colaborate with prof.XXX on the research project that study the fect of ...VO:how long will you stay in USA?me:two years.VO:where did you got your ph.D?me:In institute of xxxVO:.....(没听明白!)me:pardon?VO(摇了一下头用中文说):没关系。VO:do you have child?me:no, I havn't.VO:(盯着我的眼睛问):Is your wife go with you?me:(与他对视):oh,no!She is a teacher of primary school.And she is in charge of her class. She loves her students very much.She wouldn't leave her student. bythe way, maybe she will visit me in next year when her school is on summer holiday.然后,他就开始往电脑里敲东西,然后又在我的DS-2019表上写些什么。然后就递给我那个令人兴奋的绿色纸条。me:thank you very much.我一把接过纸条,连他最后说了句什么都没听见。下来后工作人员告诉我今天机器坏了,得明天再来取签证。面试的时候VO除了看了我的提前上交的护照、申请表、DS-2019和CV外,其他材料一概没看!真没想到,这么容易!最后,祝各位签友好运!立即咨询


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