

BJ 7.16 2k 自费EE master过by yygg

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:325 移动端
今天终于签过了,感觉和mission impossible一样[b][b]先说说我的背景:[b][b]北航本科,去osu读master,EE,自费,2k[b][b]相信十个人有九个会认为不过,不过奇迹发生了![b][b]问题:[b][b]1.you have been rejected?[b][b]Yes.[b][b]2.In order to save your time and my time, let us go straight. Since you will spend lots of money on your program, what will you do after graduation?[b][b]I will try to work as a senior engineer in one large local company.[b][b]3.can you be a senior engineer right after your graduation?[b][b]Why not? ( 特自信的说:) )[b][b]4.怀疑ing?[b][b]我讲了我的背景和实习经验[b][b]5.still怀疑ing?[b][b]继续,直到他岔开话题[b][b]6.why not study in local university?[b][b]U.S. univ. is better ...blablabla. I rused to enter the graduate school in my univ. although I can be admitted.[b][b]7.any proof?[b][b]No. (I show him my certification of my ranking and GPA)[b][b]8. not believe, still want proof?[b][b]I said “ how can one with XXX ranking can not be admitted by his own univ.!?” (我排名很前,很有气势的说:))[b][b]9.your parents’ jobs?[b][b]……[b]10.you family seems rich?[b][b]…They’ve been to lots of countries.[b][b]11. why not have you been to other countries?[b][b]Well. I’ve engaged all my spare time into study and internship… [b][b]12. why not ph.D?[b][b]…[b]然后他开始敲键盘,我以为我没戏了,抱怨ing。他说别紧张,别激动,我会给你visa的!(我几乎不相信我的耳朵,望着他,傻笑ing,看看他是不是言行如一)。他然后给黄条,说了句好好学习什么的,忘了。[b][b]哈哈,不好意思的说,兴奋了一下午:)现在回想起好悬啊![b][b]成功经验:[b][b]1. 据理力争[b][b]2. 自信[b]感谢父母的支持和帮助!感谢gf的支持和帮助!感谢朋友的支持和帮助!感谢bbs上xdjm的支持和帮助!也感谢澳际咨询公司的帮助(虽然要收费的:))[b][b]p.s.[b][b]今天形势很好,拿到黄条后聊天,5人中4个2k,一个4k(4,5,6,7月连续签)。[b][b]祝兄弟姐妹都pass!!![b][b]立即咨询
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