


2017/03/24 09:39:33 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:408 移动端
今天搞定一个学校的面试,拿出我准备的东东,大家共享一下。[b]希望其他飞跃友继续补充,利己利人的事情啊。1.Where are you from?[b]2.How about the weather here today?[b]3.Where are you now?[b]4.What are you doing just now?[b]5.Please introduce yourself.[b] What do you do in your spare time? what's your hobby?[b] What is your favorites? (maybe)[b]6. Who are your recommedors?[b]7.what are you going to do here?[b] What's your plan in this univ.?[b]8.why pursue phd?[b]9.问你有无教书、主持会议的经验[b]10.你有无同学在此校就读。[b]11.你为何选择此校,有无选择别的学校?你对本校和其他学校的看法。[b]12.Please tell me your working experience.[b]13.What do you plan to do in the future?[b]14.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?[b]15.if I give you offer, will you come in July/june?[b]16. Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?[b]17. Did you use any English textbook in classes?[b]18. Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?[b]19. How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant?[b]20.有无任何问他的问题。一般性专业问题:[b]special interests of field?[b]1. What is your major, why are you choose this major?[b]2. what is your special interests of field?[b]3.你做的课题的具体内容,结论,得到的评价,自己感觉有何不足。[b]4.What kind of courses have you taken?(better prepare some words to explain your major courses)[b]5. Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?[b]6. 问你感兴趣的faculty和research group.其他非常专业的问题,各位见仁见智了。立即咨询


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