


2017/03/24 09:39:33 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:62 移动端
天接到UMN twincities 数学系研究生委员会主任的email,告知考虑给我TA position,要求我一天之内回复考虑是否接受,周四将正式发放。emaill内容如下:[b][b]email 1[b]Dear Mr. *,[b]Your code is ********. You may always point to [url= to track the status of your application.[b]We are now at the point where we are about to make our first round of offers and we have identified you as someone to whom we would like to offer a Teaching Assistanceship. NOTE: This message is not a formal offer.[b]I would first like confirmation bore proceeding that you are still available. If you already have an offer from another school that is prerable to you, I would most appreciate it if you would let me know.[b]If you would like to receive an offer, please send a message like the following.[b]--------------------------------------------[b]I am still available to consider an offer of a Teaching Assistanceshipfrom the University of Minnesota.[b]--------------------------------------------[b]Please send it to ***********[b]Thank you very much[b][b]email 2[b]Dear Mr. *,[b]P.S. Please do let me know about your availability by tomorrow,Wednesday 2 March, since I intend to send offers out the next day (Thursday), if possible.[b]Thanks again.[b][b]不知道此学校情况如何,有知道的大侠请指点。另外,我还有三个专业排名更高的berkeley、UWM、UMD暂无消息,如果接受此学校的话,是否就无法拒绝了?[b][b][b]介绍点背景和申请经历,供参考:[/b][b][b]99年清华毕业,化学专业本科,之后工作到现在,一直在互联网和电信行业混,目前任一大型SP的部门负责人。[b][b]GPA:85/100,但为化学专业的,大学曾选修和自学了8-10门数学系课程,其中6门有成绩,其余因和本专业考试日程冲突而未参加考试;工作之余继续学习了一些数学课程;[b][b]GRE:03年10月,740、800、4.5,但该系明确表示不重视GRE,在我申请过程中甚至没要求我给他们寄GRE成绩;[b][b]TOEFL:04年10月,647、5.0[b][b]GMATH:数学专业SUB,00年11月,990(82%),当时还是老成绩,未rescale[b][b]论文:无[b][b]研究经历:大四在实验室干过一年[b][b]荣誉:北京市数学竞赛和建模竞赛得奖,毕业论文得全校优秀论文奖[b][b]去年12月1日寄出材料,未交申请费,因该系网页上注明对国际学生“may choose”替交申请费;12月底询问进展,被主任告知未收到托福,不能评估,因本来就对此学校不抱太大希望,遂不理睬;1月中主任主动来email,告知仍未收到托福,并详细告知如何要ETS送成绩,感觉有戏,遂将自己得成绩单扫描后email给他,第二天回复说通过,将替我交申请费,并说“Please note, however, that, while this does indicate substantial interest in your application on our part, it does not guarantee you acceptance into our graduate program. Admission decisions withTeaching Assistantships will be made by a committee in late February or early March.;之后因成绩单等事情和研究生院扯皮,于是骚扰该主任之小米,小米替我摆平,但未直接骚扰该主任。[b][b]直至上周五仍无消息,骚扰小米无回复,遂直接骚扰该主任,该主任周五回复说“I plan to make our first round offers by 15 March. I'm working on it every day now. I have about 85 candidates, and we want make 50 offers so I have to "whittle it down" a bit more. You're among the 85. Even if you don't get a first round offer, there's a chance that, if we get turned down by enough people, we'll be making additional offers. That's as much information as I have at this point.”[b][b]周一周二平静无事,今天上午即收到该主任来信,具体内容已在上文中。[b][b]按照该主任所提供之url上网查找,发现包括我在内总共有53人的状态为“Plan offer. Are you available? No response yet.”,应为第一轮offer名单;其余37人为空白,估计就是waiting list了。感觉很奇怪,该学校一个数学系咋会发这么多offer?不解中!立即咨询
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