

通过资金check 拿到签证

2017/03/24 09:38:01 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:156 移动端
5.31日,一个黑色的日子。签证官对我进行资金Check。说是一个星期内给我消息,我就等啊等。果真,一个星期后的一天,大使馆的一个工作人员打来电话,不过说是找我要我银行的联系方式~~郁闷,难道他们不会自己打114问么~~我就是这样查到后给他们发传真过去。[b][b]左等没消息右等没消息,还好,身边的朋友,签友都安慰我,鼓励我。后来看到5.31天被Check的人还真多啊,有很多人每天都在和我联系,大家都很焦急,甚至QQ上还专门设立了一个这样的群。这段时间里,我的计划全打乱了。[b][b]三个星期后,我不耐烦了。打电话到使馆,一个工作人员对我表示同情,但她也无能为力,建议我也可以发传真问问。我写Email到我学校,让他们帮忙发了传真过去。[b][b]这段时间内,我都想到了万一签不下来该怎么办,是去工作还是去香港。甚至我还和香港中文大招生办通了电子邮件,确定了他们有全奖~[b][b]幸亏事情有了转机。在7.1号—我准备去港澳旅游的前一天,使馆打来电话告诉我Check结束了,我上网后看到好多5.31被Check的人都结束了Check,真的好高兴:)[b][b]我开玩笑的说,原来在美语里,Week有一个月的意思。(因为原来VO说we will call you in a week,结果没想到等了整整一个月)[b][b]在香港的黄大仙寺,我祈求我能顺利拿到签证~[b][b]昨天半夜刚从澳门回来,今天一大早我就去了使馆,里面全是去签探亲和商务的。交了护照后,我在2号窗口等面谈。我旁边一个北大去UVA的男生居然是5.31那天排在我后面的,他也是那天被资金Check了。今天VO先叫的他,半分钟后就让他去1号窗口等签证了。这给了我很大的信心。[b][b]在团签了一帮商务的之后,VO喊我名字了,居然就是上次Check我的那个VO~~~[b]M: Nice to meet you again! You checked me last time.[b]V: Yeah~(笑)[b]V: You got no problem with it.[b]M: Of course.[b]V: Surprise?[b]M: No! All I told you are true…Not like you, you told me in a week, but I wait for a month.[b]V: (笑)Sorry, I also feel bad about it. You can go to window 1 to get your visa.[b]M: Thank you very much.[b]V: (笑)Bye-bye.[b][b]不过最后我还是没有拿到一年多次往返的签证,而是老的半年两次入境的签证。但,我已经很满足了。[b]感谢这段日子里家人,朋友对我的鼓励支持,我永远爱你们。再有就是我的女朋友,谢谢你这段时间一直这么陪着我~在这里更要感谢各位签友(特别特别鸣谢idler ),尤其是5.31一同被check的难友们。祝大家,尤其是被Check的同志们都能早日顺利拿到签证!(P.S.现在的机票好难订…:()[b][b][b]附我当时的签经:[/b][b][b]本人背景:澳洲读的高中,收到Offer前曾在悉尼大学读了两个月。去Wabash College读本科,有2/3奖[b]M: good afternoon, sir. How r u?[b]V: good afternoon. How r u?[b]M: I’m good.[b]V: can I have your card first?[b]M: Sure. Here is it. I studied at Australia bore.[b]V: Why do you go to the U.S.?[b]M: I want to learn more experience and more knowledge… Also, my school gives me a lot of scholarship. Comparing with I need full fee pay at Australia, why don’t I go to America?[b]V: You study at the University of Sydney?[b]M: Yes. Because at that time, I didn’t have an offer from America, if I don’t study at there, I will lose my student visa at Australia.[b]V: Graduate from there?[b]M: No. I just stayed at there one month. But I graduated from high school at Australia.[b]V: why do u go to this school (Wabash College)?[b]M: Good education! You know in such a liberal arts college, one professor just teaches a couple of students. I have a lot of opportunities to do research with them. Not like in the University of Sydney, a professor teaches hundreds of students. I don’t feel good.[b]VO一直在看我的Resume[b]M: I did a lot of activities whatever in China or in Australia, didn’t I? Because I think both of experiences and knowledge are very important for me.[b]V: Can I have a look at your finical documents?[b]M: Sure. Here’s my mother’s certificate, and here’s my father’s. Here is the certificate of deposit. I studied at Australia as a full fee paying student, so I think money is not a problem for my family. Because I pay less than Australia[b]V: Why do you go to Australia in high school?[b]M: Because my high school in China is very open-minded. They asked me to study aboard if I have chance. So I went. And I think this experience is really good for my future. So at this time, I decide to go to America.[b]V: Well, it’s OK. But we need to check your finical thing. We will call you in a week.[b]M: Just because the finical thing?[b]V: Yes. (给护照盖章,给我一张蓝色A4的纸221(G)[b]M:OK, thank you ,bye bye.评论及分享,请登陆[url=立即咨询


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