


2017/07/31 18:49:49 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:428 移动端


  主动出击:不要只是将简历发出,只是守株待兔。要主动上门推销自己;通过关系,朋友圈子或者加入当地的俱乐部。( Be proactive: Don‘t just send out CVs - knock on doors; network; join clubs)。

  主动了解当地洋人的处事方式或习俗。这样便于自己更能融入当地人生活当中(Learn the kiwi way. Understand New Zealand culture and social mores so that you can relate to and successfully communicate with other Ne Zealanders)面试之前,提前了解公司或雇主的背景资料或公司的运营情况。通过各种渠道尽可能摸清他们对该职务空缺的需求及人选的期望值(Find out what your prospective employers are looking for and take steps to satisfy their expectations)。

  多了解新西兰的当地新闻,避免在面试时与面试官产生沟通上的窘况发生(Keep up to date with current affairs - they can be good conversation starters)。

  面试时多使用简单且流利的英文表达方式(Make sure your English is fluent and easily understood)。

  保持一颗乐于学习及提高自身的技能的心(Be willing to learn and improve on skills you already have)。

  自愿者的社区工作可以帮助你尽快地学习到新西兰文化及习俗(If you’re lacking NZ experience in your area of work, give volunteer work a try)。

  可以通过一个新移民社区服务的帮助使得自己更容易找到工作的机会(Contact organizations such as New Kiwis and other migrant services for help)。

  确保你的海外学历及专业证书经过新西兰官方机构的认可( Make sure that any international qualifications you have, and the academic standing of institution they come from, can be verified)。

  有耐心 - 找工作不是一天两天的事情(Be patient - finding a job can take time)。


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